PanoDR Save

Code and models for "PanoDR: Spherical Panorama Diminished Reality for Indoor Scenes" presented at the OmniCV workshop of CVPR21.

Project README

PanoDR: Spherical Panorama Diminished Reality for Indoor Scenes.

Paper Paper Conference Workshop YouTube Project Page

Model Architecture


  • Windows10 or Linux
  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch 1.7.1 (or higher)


  • Clone this repo:
git clone
cd PanoDR
  • We recommend setting up a virtual environment (follow the virtualenv documentation). Once your environment is set up and activated, install the vcl3datlantis package:
cd src/utils
pip install -e .


We use Structured3D dataset. To train a model on the dataset please download the dataset from the official website. We follow the official training, validation, and testing splits as defined by the authors. After downloading the dataset, split the scenes into training train, validation and test folders. The folders should have the following format:


In order to estimate the dense layout maps, specify the path to train and test folders and run:

python src\utils\vcl3datlantis\dataset\ 


In order to train the model, first specify the required parameters:

  • --train_path : /../Structured3D/train/
  • --test_path : /../Structured3D/test/
  • --results_path : The folder where metrics are saved
  • --gt_results_path : The folder where ground truth images are saved for testing
  • --pred_results_path : The folder where predicted images are saved for testing
  • --segmentation_model_chkpnt : The path for the pre-trained dense layout estimation model
  • --model_folder : The folder where checkpoints are saved

After starting visdom on ther server:

python -m visdom


python src/train/ --visdom 


You can download the pre-trained models from here and specify the arguments --eval_chkpnt_folder and --segmentation_model_chkpnt, respectively. Assuming the input image and mask are in the format as in the input folder run:

python src/train/ --inference --eval_path input/

Model service

Model is also available via torchserve. First, install the required dependencies via

cd service
pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, download the .mar file from here and place it under service/model_store. In order to serve the model using REST calls, run:

torchserve --start --ncs --model-store ./model_store --models panodr=/model_store/panodr.mar torchserve --start --ncs --model-store ./model_store --models panodr=/model_store/panodr.mar 

Once the model is served, the endpoint is reachable on http://IP:8080/predictions/panodr, with IP as selected when configuring torchserve (typically localhost, but more advanced configuration is also possible to serve the model externally or make it reachable from other machines, using the inference_address setting).

A server is provided for hosting inputs and saving the output files. It can be started via:

cd Imageserver\ 
python .\

All images are hosted on http://IP:PORT. Further, an endpoint on http://IP:PORT/save/inpainted is provided for obtaining the output files from the service.

The following arguments have to be specified in inputs/requests.json file to call the service:

  • DataInputs["rgb"]
  • DataInputs["mask"]

Finally, to obtain predictions from the model, a callback URL json payload needs to be POSTed. Simply run:

curl.exe -X POST http://IP:8080/predictions/panodr -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @/PATH_TO/PanoDR/service/inputs/request.json  


If you use this code for your research, please cite the following:

  title={PanoDR: Spherical Panorama Diminished Reality for Indoor Scenes},
  author={Gkitsas, Vasileios and Sterzentsenko, Vladimiros and Zioulis, Nikolaos and Albanis, Georgios and Zarpalas, Dimitrios},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 innovation programme ATLANTIS under grant agreement No 951900.

Our code borrows from SEAN and deepfillv2.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "PanoDR" Project. README Source: VCL3D/PanoDR