Org Superstar Mode Versions Save

Make org-mode stars a little more super


3 years ago

This version adds support for even more ways to deal with TODO items, and extends a couple of existing features.


3 years ago

Apart from GitHub no longer advertising the buggy version 1.1.0, this version adds support for advanced composition features for headline bullets and custom TODO items, allowing the user to nicely align bullets that are not available in a metrically equivalent fixed width font, while also providing a fallback option for terminal users where composing features are more limited.


4 years ago

The first proper release, and the first one that was available on MELPA stable.


4 years ago

New version: 1.1.0

Apart from minor fixes and patches, the following has been changed since v1.0.0:

The lighter has been removed. Expensive syntax checking for plain list items is now optional (see README). The version requirement for Emacs has been lowered to the lowest feasible. Item bullets "+" and "-" are now properly recognized even without leading spaces.

EDIT: This version contains a bug that circumvents syntax checking entirely. Should you use this version, please consider updating ASAP. My apologies for any inconveniences caused.