Operations Mediawiki Config Save

⚙️ Configuration for Wikimedia Foundation wikis. This is a mirror from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/mediawiki-config/. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing.

Project README


Files in this repository are almost a mirror of Wikimedia Foundation's production configuration of MediaWiki. Omitted files include passwords and security measures.

dblists/ List of wiki databases. For labs-only dblists, add "-labs" suffix before the file extension. If you add a new wiki, make the files are sorted using LC_COLLATE=C sort -n file -o file.

errorpages/ Central management of error pages used by app servers at the PHP or Apache level.

wikiversions.json, wikiversions.php wikiversions-labs.json, wikiversions-labs.php Let us associate a database with a specific copy of MediaWiki (generally a branch). The .php file is updated by editing wikiversions.json first and then running multiversion/updateWikiversions.

debug.json Configuration for X-Wikimedia-Debug. The browser extensions use this to determine which app servers are available to use as X-Wikimedia-Debug backends. See https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/X-Wikimedia-Debug.

docroot/ The Apache document roots for most of our VirtualHosts.

static/ Static files available under all docroots as /static. Contains icons and images used by MediaWiki, such as project logos, favicons, CentralAuth SUL icons and more.

images/ Deprecated aliases for a subset of files in /static/images.

w/ The "w/" directory in the docroot of any MediaWiki-serving VirtualHost.

tests/ Hold some PHPUnit tests.

wmf-config/ The MediaWiki configuration for all database. Think of it like a huge LocalSettings.php.

wmf-config/CommonSettings.php Generic configuration such as including extensions or calling over piece of configuration. This is mostly shared among all wikis.

wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php Per-wiki configuration.

wmf-config/db-*.php Databases related configuration.

wmf-config/mc.php Memcached configuration.

wmf-config/*-labs.php Files used by the Beta Cluster to override production settings.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Operations Mediawiki Config" Project. README Source: wikimedia/operations-mediawiki-config
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