Opentibiabr Canary Versions Save

Canary Server 13.x for OpenTibia community.


6 months ago

Welcome! The OpenTibiaBR team is deeply committed to continuously enriching this project with new features and fixes. Your support, either financial or through code contributions and issue reports, is vital for our ongoing work.

  • To contribute code or report problems, join our Discord community.

  • If you'd like to financially support the project, please consider making a donation.

  • For tutorials and additional resources, visit our documentation.

Download Tibia Client 13.21.13839

Download OTClient Redemption, thanks for @mehah

What's Changed

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7 months ago

Welcome! The OpenTibiaBR team is deeply committed to continuously enriching this project with new features and fixes. Your support, either financial or through code contributions and issue reports, is vital for our ongoing work.

  • To contribute code or report problems, join our Discord community.

  • If you'd like to financially support the project, please consider making a donation.

  • For tutorials and additional resources, visit our documentation.

Download Tibia Client 13.21.13839

Download OTClient Redemption, thanks for @mehah

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


7 months ago


7 months ago


1 year ago

Hello, first we would like to say that this project is very important for the OpenTibiaBr team, that's why we are always bringing new content and constant corrections. But, for this work to be even better, we need an incentive, be it financial or contribution (with pull requests and problem reports). Feel free to join our discord and report issues or contribute new codes in this link

  • If you want, you can also donate to our project, here

  • Access our helpful tutorials and downloads here

Download Tibia Client 12.91.12329

Download OTClient 1.0, thanks for @mehah

What's Changed

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1 year ago

Hello, first we would like to say that this project is very important for the OpenTibiaBr team, that's why we are always bringing new content and constant corrections. But, for this work to be even better, we need an incentive, be it financial or contribution (with pull requests and problem reports). Feel free to join our discord and report issues or contribute new codes in this link

  • If you want, you can also donate to our project, here

  • Access our helpful tutorials and downloads here

Download Tibia Client 12.91.12329

Download OTClient 1.0, thanks for @mehah

As we don't publish the latest releases, we'll put the changelog of all of them here, in descending order.

  • Release 2.6.0

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

  • Release 2.0.0

NOTE: The global repository was merged with this one, so now we will have two datapacks in the canary, being able to choose which one to use or even choose to use a custom one. Be very careful when upgrading your server from this release onwards!

What's Changed

  • [Enhancement] rework to enable choosing of a custom datapack name by @dudantas in With this modification, we will be able to focus on just one repository (the canary), and archive otservbr-global.

The intention is that we can have two datapacks in the same repository, being able to easily switch from one to the other, just change in config.lua the "dataPackDirectory" from "data-otservbr-global" to "data-canary" or vice versa.

The main purpose is to facilitate our development, at the same time that the community will be able to contribute in a single repository, but keeping the choice of using a "clean" datapack.

Made some more modifications, such as removing the unused C++ gamestore, I also removed the "allowPickupable" tag, which was duplicated, and I made some other adjustments.

Folder structure changes Now we have the following structure

data = this will be the "core" folder, it is where the files that are absolutely necessary for the distro to open correctly, such as libs, xmls, etc. Here we will have files that both the global and the canary datapack will share with each other data-otservbr-global = here will be the global datapack files, some libs and folders that are only for the global server, such as scripts, monsters, npcs, world. data-canary = a "clean" datapack as far as possible, with only the scripts and files necessary for the server to work. NOTE: The "data" folder is actually the "core" of the server, we didn't rename it to avoid having to make changes to the sites and login.php, since they read the "data/xml". The other two folders, data-otservbr-global and data-canary can be changed in config.lua, which one you want the executable to read, by default we'll point to the global one, as that's what most use. If you want to start a custom server with "as few files and scripts as possible", then switch to "data-canary".

We also added a boolean in config.lua that allows choosing another name for the datapack, by default we will also keep this disabled, since we will only maintain support for these two datapacks, it is up to each one to know what they are doing in case they want to change it.

So, in the end, we have the reorganization in the folders: 58855

Note that we made few real changes to the files, the abundance of modified files is due to moving from one folder to another and also adding the global datapack to this repository (with an abundance of files). If you want to migrate your datapack to the global one, you should know what you're doing, if you don't know, just pass your modifications to the "new files" or get in touch on our discord group, so we can help you.

Full Changelog:

  • Release 1.6.0

NOTE: The next release will have big datapack related changes where the global repository will be merged with the canary repository.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Download Tibia Client 12.91.12329

Download OTClient 1.0, thanks for @mehah

NOTE: The global repository was merged with this one, so now we will have two datapacks in the canary, being able to choose which one to use or even choose to use a custom one. Be very careful when upgrading your server from this release onwards!

What's Changed

  • [Enhancement] rework to enable choosing of a custom datapack name by @dudantas in With this modification, we will be able to focus on just one repository (the canary), and archive otservbr-global.

The intention is that we can have two datapacks in the same repository, being able to easily switch from one to the other, just change in config.lua the "dataPackDirectory" from "data-otservbr-global" to "data-canary" or vice versa.

The main purpose is to facilitate our development, at the same time that the community will be able to contribute in a single repository, but keeping the choice of using a "clean" datapack.

I made some more modifications, such as removing the unused C++ gamestore, I also removed the "allowPickupable" tag, which was duplicated, and I made some other adjustments.

Folder structure changes Now we have the following structure

data = this will be the "core" folder, it is where the files that are absolutely necessary for the distro to open correctly, such as libs, xmls, etc. Here we will have files that both the global and the canary datapack will share with each other data-otservbr-global = here will be the global datapack files, some libs and folders that are only for the global server, such as scripts, monsters, npcs, world. data-canary = a "clean" datapack as far as possible, with only the scripts and files necessary for the server to work. NOTE: The "data" folder is actually the "core" of the server, we didn't rename it to avoid having to make changes to the sites and login.php, since they read the "data/xml". The other two folders, data-otservbr-global and data-canary can be changed in config.lua, which one you want the executable to read, by default we'll point to the global one, as that's what most use. If you want to start a custom server with "as few files and scripts as possible", then switch to "data-canary".

We also added a boolean in config.lua that allows choosing another name for the datapack, by default we will also keep this disabled, since we will only maintain support for these two datapacks, it is up to each one to know what they are doing in case they want to change it.

So, in the end, we have the reorganization in the folders: 58855

Note that we made few real changes to the files, the abundance of modified files is due to moving from one folder to another and also adding the global datapack to this repository (with an abundance of files). If you want to migrate your datapack to the global one, you should know what you're doing, if you don't know, just pass your modifications to the "new files" or get in touch on our discord group, so we can help you.

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Download Tibia Client 12.91.12329

Download OTClient 1.0, thanks for @mehah

NOTE: The next release will have big datapack related changes where the global repository will be merged with the canary repository.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Download Tibia Client 12.91.12329

Download OTClient 1.0, thanks for @mehah

Closed issues:

#318, #386, #449

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Download Tibia Client 12.86.11871

Download OTClient 1.0, thanks for @mehah


  • Fix cmake warning (wrong boost dir on library) (#362, d2279bf, @dudantas)

  • Resolves the issue of killing some monsters giving error on distro (#370, 8686cd9, @dudantas)

  • Fix typo on daily reward, from addItemId to addU16 (#371, 9da46a7, @dudantas)

  • Fix item name register from appearances protobuf (#376, a4073d7, @marcosvf132) It was missing the item name register on the function void Items::loadFromProtobuf() on the Items map. This map is used to identify a item by it's name instead of ID. This is largely used on the SRC and LUA environments.

  • Fix removing unnecessary warn on item creation when id equal 0 (#368, 48ab545, @marcosvf132) Add a check on the SPDLOG::WARN to prevent when itemID is equal 0. This happens a lot when slain a creature that has no body registered. (Regular creatures/summons/boss)

  • Fix protobuf error on server loading (#380, 5ad63c1, @beatsdh and @marcosvf132) Change all 'strings' to 'bytes' This wrong behavior on the items name register was affecting only items who had their names on the appearances.dat protobuf file but was not registered on the items.xml file

  • Fix magic wall and wild growth rune bug (#388, f5fb255, @dudantas) Created a new function to set the min/max duration of an item, id to decay and whether or not to show the duration Fixed mw being walkable, fixing a small typo in blocking parse Usage of setDuration: item:setDuration(minduration, maxduration = 0, decayid = 0, showDuration = true)

  • Fixed bug summon not searching player target and icons update (#395, 6b56fbf, @dudantas) Fixed the bug when the player was attacking a creature and summoned, the summon would not attack the creature until the player stopped attacking and attacked again Fixed the icon of creatures that use the "creature:addSummon" function Added Game::reloadCreature functions Rework on function "Creature::setMaster", somes functions were centralized within the setMaster, avoiding repetitions: Creature::setTarget Creature::setFollowCreature Creature::setDropLoot Creature::setSkillLoss

  • Fix non-unique item name registration (#390, 63b30ca, @marcosvf132) Fix an issue related to items that have a non-unique name on the register. This problem was breaking some monster's loot.

  • Fix unexpected behavior on connection send and disconnect (#408, 4f1dbaf, @dudantas) Added nullptr check for validate connection Renamed protocol variable from connection to connectionPtr to avoid shadowing with the other connection variable added to check nullptr

  • Fix magic wall and wild growth on retro-pvp and no-pvp logic (#400, dc5c868, @dudantas) The magic wall/wild growth rune should only be removed when stepping if it's no-pvp and if it's not blocking

  • Few prey/task hunting fixes and improvements (#385, b1786d5, @marcosvf132)

  • Fix null function on daily reward (#375, 1960d49, @dudantas) Resolves #374

  • Fix "nil item" on daily reward (#423, 0b65754, @dudantas) Resolves #421

  • Fix checks on player death, player speed breakpoint and misc enhancements (#378, e5cc80a, @omeranha) Added tag in config.lua for: Max critical chance of imbuements Adventurers blessing level Inventory glow on five bless Fixes Set default maxSpeed for 70000 Still blessed after dead for work with "no disconnect on death" Player targetting after dead for work with "no disconnect on death" Adventurer blessing logic for work with "no disconnect on death"

  • Fix some npcs bugs and change behaviour (#396, 5b25b43, @dudantas) Total cost for custom currencys Bank npcs depot, transfer and withdraw logic Changed: MsgContains behaviour, added new function "MsgFind" so that we avoid some bugs in messages that have the same words Added debug log for assistant with debug build

  • Fix Callback fromPosition of some lua scripts that were registered by position (#441, 723f378, @dudantas) Some scripts registered through position didn't work the fromPosition callback because it was lost between the two functions (with and without the callback item)

  • Fix build of docker and linux (#440, 90e7561, @beats-dh) Fixed the compilation in the docker environment and the error that occurred with linux when it was going to compile on a new "VM" machine. What happened is that the protobuf was updated and our proto files were generated in an old version, with this change they are ready to work with the latest version of the protobuf made available by vcpkg Note: vcpkg needs to be updated to the most current version for it to work properly

  • [CMake] fix warning build, add flag /EHsc to target compile options (#442, afab2af, @beats-dh)

  • Fix remove summon bug and added new config tag for teleport summon (#428, 5bd86e6, @beats-dh) Added new config.lua tag: teleportSummons = false Usage: if false, the summon will not teleport when the player goes up/down stairs and moves far away, if true, it will teleport the summon Fixed the bug that did not remove the summon when the player leaves the summon range, thus preventing the player from summoning a new monster

  • [Fix] Bestiary unlocked creature (#438, e033f83, @beats-dh)

  • [Fix] convert burst and poison arrow to client id (#405, 647b005, @Aerwix)


  • Some small improvements to gha (#363, 44c8e82, @costallat) Improves the GHA overall performance Disable ccache for Windows as it doesn't work Add sscache for Windows Adjust some cmake flags to work with sscache
  • Rework and fix event scheduler (#239, 526ef51, @beats-dh)
  • [CrashFix] fix monster type name overriding and some improvements (#389, 86e4a90 @dudantas) The real name of the monster was replaced by the name of the look, generating unexpected behavior and in a very specific scenario a crash (when two different monsters had the same "name") Some improvements related to the creation of monsters and the verification of the monster name in getMonsterType, also preventing any unexpected behavior New function: Creature::getTypeName(), for get real monster type name
  • Rework in MoveEvent and MoveEvents class for fix memory leak (#398, 4771913, @dudantas) Movements completely redone to remove a memory leak related to the registration of movements, in the luaMoveEventRegister function, where the memory was fread and then used. We also added some pointer sanity checks, preventing future crashes and fixing some known ones. Removed old XML load Passed some objects as a reference, to avoid nullpointer and unecessary pointer checks Added nullpointer checks in some places and the code was redone to work better Added some logs to help in case of errors Fixed crash related to replaceable magic fields Notes: MoveEvent::onRemoveItem function from now on it will no longer have the "tileitem" argument
  • [Enhancement] Changed rsa to use gmp lib instead of cryptopp (#391, b0538c4, @beats-dh and @dudantas) Thanks and credits to @saiyansking for the original code This pull request has modifications from the optimized forgottenserver: Added function in otserv.cpp to load default RSA key if it fails to load key.pem Rework on connection.cpp and improvement of some functions Removed some "reinterpret_cast", added in place "static_cast" which avoid overflows or undefined behavior Improved connection and protocol code for QT client
  • Change luajit to install by vcpkg manifest (#403, 5fc2834, @dudantas) Remove appveyor build Remove build windows 2019 and ubuntu 18 Added ubuntu 22.04 build
  • Improve monster loot log (#372, 116cc9e, @dudantas)
  • Disabled install LuaJit for processor ARM (#416, 6ad0268, @beats-dh) Disabled installation of LuaJit by vcpkg.json, solving the problem of compatibility with ARM processors. The installation of LuaJit will have to be done by apt Linux with the command: sudo apt install libluajit-5.1-dev
  • [Enhancement] Set teleport position talkaction for use in all teleport types (b996fbe, @dudantas)
  • [Enhancement] - Automatically download world otbm in folder if file doesn't exist on server start (#437, 5e42475, @omeranha) If toggleDownloadMap if false, then the mapDownloadUrl will not be used If a map with the name already exists in the world folder, the map will not be downloaded even if the toggleDownloadMap is true
  • [Feature/Enhancement] - New objects; Lever, Spawn and Spectators to assistant with boss/quest scripts and others (#360, 0d9d3a1, @Glatharth) The new objects will help us with boss scripts, quests, and spectator checks, reducing the complexity and size of a lot of code. Added an example of how the mechanics work in the lever of threatened dreams quest.
  • [Feature] Depot search system (#411, a02d5a5, @marcosvf132) Enabling and implementing client 12x feature named 'Depot search'. This system can be used to make it easier to find, organize and manipulate players depot/inbox/stash. The systems already include support for a future implementation of item tier system. The tier system is being implemented on PR #366

New Lua functions

  • item:setDuration(minduration, maxduration = 0, decayid = 0, showDuration = true)


  • Enable cache for sonarcloud (33dff84, @costallat) It's disable by default now so we need to enable it

Closed issues:

#374, #421