Opensea Javascript NFT Sniper Raribles Coinbase Opensoruce Tracker Save Abandoned

Enhance your NFT trading skills with Opensoruce-Javascript, your ultimate sniper for Opensea, Raribles, and Coinbase.

Project README

This is an NFT sniper bot that is written in pure JavaScript does NOT require any js node implementation and nothing to be installed.

Once you configure the settings in the "config.js" you simply open the index.html file in any web browser all code runs locally and he's searching in buy calls are made with web3 calls.

This sniper bought has now scored me two boardapeyachtclubs for well under the floor price among many other collections I enjoy.

Setting up is pretty straightforward first download the zip file here

A helpful tester has created a video tutorial, providing step-by-step instructions on how to run the program.

You can Download the zip file of the program here

here's the program in action finding and buying a bored ape yacht club

then when you unzip to a location is easy for you to locate open the config.js file in any text editor in my case notepad

you'll need to configure the settings

  1. put in your ETH public address leave the quotations in.
  2. put in your ETH private key to that public address you just entered
  3. if you're using a hardware wallet that does not give you easy access to your private keys you can put in your wallet seed, but make sure you still put in your public address you want it to utilize
  4. set the marketplace you want to use by default it's set to 1 which is opensea ,2 = raribles ,3 = conbaseNFT
  5. set the network default set for 1 which is ETH , to uses the polygon network replace that with a 2
  6. set the maxspend to what you wish to spend on the NFT
  7. set the nft collection ID default it's on boredapeyachtclub for the opensea collection name "" <- take this part of the url for example: "boredapeyachtclub" for the Raribles "" <- take this part of the url for example: "boredapeyachtclub" for the coinbaseNFT "" <- take this part of the url for example: "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D"

save the settings you just configured

now right click on index.html and select open with and choose any web browser in my case I love to use Firefox

Please take time and for me in the 2024 codeathon I won 4th place last year and would love your vote!

#cryptoenthusiast #cryptoinvestmentadvisory #cryptoassetsinvestment #cryptomarket #crypto #cryptobull #cryptomoney #cryptosuccess #stablecoins #hodl Introduction: Crypto Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that leverage blockchain technology to provide secure and immutable ownership over digital goods. They are used in a variety of industries, such as gaming, digital art, and digital collectibles, to provide scarcity and authenticity to digital assets.

Core Components:

A Crypto NFT consists of a unique digital asset that uses a blockchain protocol to store data. It includes a private cryptographic key that is associated with the asset and is used to prove ownership. It also includes metadata that provides information about the asset, such as its description, origin, and any other relevant information.

Working Principle:

Crypto NFTs use cryptographic algorithms, such as

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Opensea Javascript NFT Sniper Raribles Coinbase Opensoruce Tracker" Project. README Source: NFTTraderKing/Opensea-Javascript-NFT-sniper-raribles-coinbase-opensoruce-tracker
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10 months ago

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