Openqasm Versions Save

Quantum assembly language for extended quantum circuits


2 weeks ago

Official 3.1.0 release of the OpenQASM specification. Including support for the switch-case statement.

Live version (and tagged release versions) visible here: See release notes for details.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


9 months ago

Official 3.0.0 release of the OpenQASM specification.

Live version (and tagged release versions) visible here:

Blog post with extended description of features and changes:


3 years ago


  • A broader family of computation with classical logic. Introducing classical control flow, instructions, and data types to define circuits that include real-time computations on classical data. A kernel mechanism allows for opaque references to generic classical computations acting upon run-time data.

  • Explicit timing, Introducing a flexible mechanism to describe design intent of instruction scheduling while remaining independent of specific durations determined by gate calibrations. This enables, for example, dynamical decoupling while retaining a gate-level description of a circuit.

  • Embedded pulse-level definitions. An extensible mechanism to attach low-level definitions to gates. This is particularly relevant to calibration tasks which optimize pulse parameters using error amplification sequences most easily described at the gate level.

Live doc


3 years ago

OpenQASM 2.x documentation and examples.