OpenNote Compose Versions Save

Markdown editor and also note app for Android entirely based on Jetpack Compose.


3 weeks ago

Enhanced code readability, stability and standardization.


4 weeks ago
  1. New File Sharing: Note can now be shared directly as file to other apps.

  2. Improved Keyboard Behavior: When using an external keyboard, the direction keys can now control cursor movement.

  3. Manual Note Saving: New notes now require manual saving by clicking the save button, preventing unnecessary saves.

  4. Interface Enhancements: Dialogs and home screen widget have been redesigned for a more visually appealing and intuitive experience.


1 month ago
  1. Home Screen Widget: Easily check/create notes right from your home screen. 📱

  2. Tooltip Feature: Long-press or hover over the edit button to see its keyboard shortcut. ⌨️

  3. Direct Text File Access: Text files can now be opened directly using this app, allowing for easy access and editing. 🗒️


1 month ago

1.Shortcut Button Enhancements:

  • Added shortcut buttons for six different heading levels (H1~H6), as well as for inserting tables, horizontal rule, and brackets, making editing more efficient and convenient.

2.Improvements to Task Lists and Tables:

  • Refined the method for adding task lists and enhanced the rendering style of tables, improving document organization and visual appeal.

3.Navigation Security Enhancement:

  • Implemented the use of new Safe Args from Compose Navigation, enhancing navigation security and performance.

4.Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues related to HTML export, ensuring smooth exporting of documents while maintaining format integrity.


1 month ago
  1. Migration to Kotlinx-Serialization-Json: The application has been migrated from Gson to Kotlinx-Serialization-Json for improved performance and maintainability.
  2. New Navigation Animation and Predictive Back Gesture: The introduction of redesigned navigation animations and the reinstatement of predictive back gestures enhance user interaction fluidity.
  3. New Note List Styles: New selectable styles for note lists facilitate easier note management.
  4. Removed Firebase-related dependencies: As the stability of the application improves, Firebase-related dependencies are no longer required.


1 month ago
  1. Upgraded the kotlin version to 2.0.0-RC2 and updated related dependencies.
  2. Removed unnecessary permissions and code


1 month ago
  1. Brand New Settings Page: Redesigned settings page to adapt to devices with various screen sizes. 🎨
  2. Data Backup and Recovery Functions: Added functionality for data backup and recovery to prevent data loss and facilitate device switching. ✨
  3. Enhanced Performance and Smoother Animation: Optimized performance for improved operation and smoother animation effects. 🎉


1 month ago
  1. Optimized link styles, grid animations, and click feedback on note cards.
  2. Switched folder list presentation from BottomSheet to AlertDialog.
  3. Fixed some issues and improved performance.


1 month ago
  1. Resolved stability issues with composable components, reducing the frequency of recomposition.
  2. Added new keyboard shortcuts to the existing ones: ctrl+(c, v, a, z, y). New additions: ctrl + u(underline), ctrl + b(bold), ctrl + d(strikeThrough), ctrl + i(italic), ctrl + m(mark); ctrl + shift + k(code), ctrl + shift + m(math), ctrl + shift + q(quote).


2 months ago
  1. New ios-style navigation animation 📱
  2. Merge multiple viewmodels into one to avoid repeated queries and improve performance ✨
  3. Due to some strange bugs, the predictive return gesture is temporarily disabled 😓
  4. Add new function of importing text files 🎉