OpenDACT Versions Save

Open Source Delta Automatic Calibration Tool


7 years ago

Added quick calibration and fixed lockup that occurred with false positives on the tower offset calibration


7 years ago

Uploaded release version due to Google Drive issues.


8 years ago

-The program now utilizes responses from the printer to initiate the next step of the height map generating process. -Also, the calibration algorithm is ran on a separate thread than the reading thread. This prevents the printer console from being locked up. -There is also a manual calibration included on the third tab of the advanced area - which utilizes the same exact algorithm as the automatic calibration. -Slight changes to the calibration control flow, the steps per mm is now corrected afterward. This reduces the error between the horizontal radius changes and the steps per millimeter. -Heuristic mode fixes -Disconnection fixes -Stop button for calibration -Basic mode is now fully iterative