Onelinerhub Versions Save

Thousands of code solutions with clear explanation @


1 year ago

3k code solutions for 55 languages, services and libraries, including: javascript mysql python git bash jquery docker nginx rust redis ssh golang php lua ffmpeg ubuntu clickhouse numpy sklearn pandas


1 year ago


2 years ago

ace 6 pieces

bash 44 pieces

bulma 1 pieces

c 18 pieces

c# 6 pieces

certbot 15 pieces

chart.js 12 pieces

chrome-extension 59 pieces

clickhouse 139 pieces

css 24 pieces

curl 64 pieces

django 2 pieces

docker 51 pieces

ffmpeg 27 pieces

find 19 pieces

git 83 pieces

golang 24 pieces

google-chrome 10 pieces

grep 13 pieces

html 50 pieces

htpasswd 2 pieces

http-headers 2 pieces

imagemagick 9 pieces

java 7 pieces

javascript 122 pieces

jpegoptim 3 pieces

jq 5 pieces

jquery 45 pieces

ls 6 pieces

lua 80 pieces

lua-mysql 9 pieces

lua-redis 24 pieces

manticoresearch 19 pieces

matlab 6 pieces

mysql 61 pieces

nano 8 pieces

nginx 94 pieces

nginx-lua 74 pieces

nodejs 1 pieces

optipng 2 pieces

php 73 pieces

php-pdo 45 pieces

php-redis 45 pieces

php-swoole 16 pieces

pip 2 pieces

postgres 17 pieces

powershell 8 pieces

python 126 pieces

python-numpy 76 pieces

python-pandas 10 pieces

python-pillow 1 pieces

python-redis 54 pieces

react 1 pieces

redis 53 pieces

redis-timeseries 18 pieces

regex 8 pieces

rust 4 pieces

solidity 3 pieces

ssconvert 8 pieces

ssh 14 pieces

supervisor 9 pieces

ubuntu 58 pieces

ufw 40 pieces

vim 34 pieces

webp 6 pieces

wget 3 pieces

wordpress 6 pieces

xdotool 13 pieces

youtube 2 pieces


2 years ago


2 years ago

Most popular micro code solutions for PHP/Python with Mysql DB and Nginx webserver, Docker containers, Git VCS and tens of technologies for web engineering.


2 years ago

3 months ago we've started this hub to collect useful and modern tiny solutions for tiny (but yet important) tasks that arise regularly when developing web apps. Now we've covered most of entry-level web app engineering on top of linux/php/mysql/javascript thanks to our contributors. Next iteration plan is to dive into python/lua/git/go, tens of databases and other technologies/frameworks/platforms/tools for app developers.