Ohnotnow Cronmon Versions Save

PHP Web app to monitor cron/scheduled tasks


3 years ago

No real changes - but upgrading to laravel v8 requires php 7.3+ so did a major version bump just to flag it.


4 years ago

Updated the code to use Laravel v7.

Also added an initial 'template' feature so you can more easily create new jobs via a simple HTTP call, which can be handy for auto-provisioning machines etc.


4 years ago


4 years ago

Updated the codebase to use Laravel v6 - note that this means the PHP version must be 7.2 or newer.

Also adds in the ability to create/update jobs via an API call which can be handy with automatic builds, server provisioning etc.


5 years ago

Forgot to merge this before the last release - it's only used in development to run tests.


5 years ago

This release just updates the underlying framework to Laravel 5.8 - no other changes I think. Nothing should have changed apart from that (php version requirements etc are the same) but doing a minor version bump just to make things stand out.

Next major version will likely need PHP 7.2 - so heads up.


5 years ago

Hadn't realised you couldn't delete a team - fixed :-)


5 years ago

You should now be able to set the schedule for jobs using a 'raw' CRON-style expression like */15 * * * * if you want.


7 years ago

Just tagging the current master as v1.0.0 - it's stable and works in our production env.

Looking to update the underlying laravel framework in the next release - probably go from the current 5.3 straight to 5.5 when it's released (sometime late June/July at a guess).