Odin Imgui Versions Save

Odin binding for Dear ImGui


3 years ago

This release contains no new wrappers or examples. It's merely an update to cimgui and dear imgui to v1.82. You can find the changelog for dear imgui here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/releases/tag/v1.82


3 years ago

This release contains no new wrappers or examples. It's merely an update to cimgui and dear imgui to v1.79. You can find the changelog for dear imgui here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/releases/tag/v1.79


3 years ago

This release contains no new wrappers or examples. It's merely an update to cimgui and dear imgui to v1.78. You can find the changelog for dear imgui here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/releases/tag/v1.78


3 years ago

This release contains no new wrappers or examples. It's merely an update to cimgui and dear imgui to v1.77. You can find the changelog for dear imgui here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/releases/tag/v1.77

NOTE: This release has been updated and tag moved because of generation error


4 years ago

New and improved odin-imgui is finally done!

This version has been long underway and is based on the JSON output of the generator used for cimgui.

This should mean faster update times when new version of dear imgui comes out, as it should just be running the generator when cimgui gets updated as well.

There was a few typos in older version and because of how far the previous version of odin-imgui was behind there is some functions that just no longer exists. There is also some changes to how rendering should be done, there is some examples as well now so do check them out for reference!


5 years ago

This release now uses the auto-generated cimgui bindings, which should allow for quicker updates. There are binding endpoints missing, so if you add them yourself later, please put in a PR.


6 years ago

Fixed Font_Config struct. New binaries that doesn't cause link.exe to produce a .lib and .exp of your app. Now chooses the binaries based on of you are building in debug mode (-debug passed to odin)


6 years ago

Update to cimgui (and dear imgui) version 1.53, x64 binaries are supplied above


6 years ago

Hotfix for crash when using Combo()


6 years ago

All inbetween releases will be imgui-version.<my-version> like this one is 1.52.1

  • changed all u64 representing size_t to uint since that changes with architecture like size_t
  • Wrapped a few functions which outputted data via a function parameter to return it instead like original imgui
  • Added function from ImGuiStorage ImGuiTextClipper ImGuiTextBuffer and their structs
  • Removed Gui prefix from many things
  • Changed GuiCol enum to Color
  • Overall formatting of file