NSL KDD Network Intrusion Detection Save

Machine Learning Algorithms on NSL-KDD dataset

Project README



Bu projede NSL-KDD dataseti üzerinde makine öğrenmesi algoritmaları ile saldırı tespiti yapılmaktadır. Makine öğrenmesi algoritmalarından Random Forest, K-Neighbors, Support Vector Classifier kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca Ensemble Learning olarak tüm modeller ile sınıflandırma yapılmıştır. Tüm modellerin doğruluk karşılaştırmaları yapıldı.

In this project, we use machine learning algorithms to intrusion detection on NSL-KDD dataset. Random Forest, K-Neighbors, Support Vector Classifier are used as machine learning algorithms. In addition, all models were classified as Ensemble Learning. Accuracy comparisons of all models were performed.


[Python Notebook](https://github.com/merteroglu/NSL-KDD-Network-Intrusion-Detection/blob/master/NID.ipynb "Python Notebook")

[Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Uaw5cR_U7qVXPEPscwNic9nTEdtFHJq2 "Google Colab")


Author : Mert Eroglu

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Author : Müslüm Sezgin

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "NSL KDD Network Intrusion Detection" Project. README Source: Mamcose/NSL-KDD-Network-Intrusion-Detection

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