Nowinandroid Versions Save

A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose


9 months ago

This release adds the following features:

  • Search. You can now search for content using a text field in the top app bar. Recent searches are saved locally so you can easily make the same search again. (thanks to @thagikura)
  • Notifications. You'll be notified when new content is published which matches your interests. (thanks to @tunjid)
  • Push-based data sync. When new content is published, a "sync" notification is sent to the app which triggers the app to download the new content. This means that you don't have to wait for the app to sync with the network service - the app always contains the most up-to-date content. (thanks to @tunjid)
  • Unread notification dot. New content is marked with a small "unread" dot which is cleared when that content is opened. If there are any unread news resources in the For You or Saved tabs, a dot will be shown on that tab as well. This enables you to easily see when there's new content to read. (thanks to @rosejr)
  • Undo bookmark removal. On the "Saved" tab, when you remove a bookmark a SnackBar is shown which contains an UNDO button. This allows you to easily get back the bookmark which was removed. (thanks to @neelanshsahai)

It also includes a number of bug fixes, enhancements and code improvements (thanks to @mmoczkowski, @alexvanyo and many others).

A big thank you to all open source contributors, particularly @SimonMarquis.

Scheduled launch date: 25 July 2023.


11 months ago

The defining feature of this release was the connection with a live backend which serves news, topics and other data to the app.