Northwalker Vue Hotel Datepicker Versions Save

A Vue.js date range picker component without other dependencies for hotels and multi-purpose.


4 years ago

A pure Vue.js date range picker component without any other dependencies, for hotels date range selection and multi-purpose. Vue hotel datepicker provide date range selecting, minimum and maximum night limitation, custom methods for date restriction, custom date formating and localization support.


5 years ago

A pure Vue.js date range picker component without any other dependencies, for hotels date range selection and multi-purpose. Vue hotel datepicker provide date range selecting, minimum and maximum night limitation, custom methods for date restriction, custom date formating and localization support.


5 years ago

A pure Vue.js date range picker component without any other dependencies, for hotels date range selection and multi-purpose. Vue hotel datepicker provide date range selecting, minimum and maximum night limitation, custom methods for date restriction, custom date formating and localization support.


6 years ago

Official first release version of vue-hotel-datepicker


6 years ago

This is a test release version for vue-hotel-datepicker, need more testing and tuning, but production ready.