Node Mongodb Native Versions Save

The official MongoDB Node.js driver


1 month ago

6.5.0 (2024-03-11)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.5.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Bulk Write Operations Generate Ids using pkFactory

When performing inserts, the driver automatically generates _ids for each document if there is no _id present. By default, the driver generates ObjectIds. An option, pkFactory, can be used to configure the driver to generate _ids that are not object ids.

For a long time, only Collection.insert and Collection.insertMany actually used the pkFactory, if configured. Notably, Collection.bulkWrite(), Collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp() and Collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp() always generated ObjectIds, regardless of what was configured on collection.

The driver always generates _ids for inserted documents using the pkFactory.

[!CAUTION] If you are using a pkFactory and performing bulk writes, you may have inserted data into your database that does not have _ids generated by the pkFactory.

Fixed applying read preference to commands depending on topology

When connecting to a secondary in a replica set with a direct connection, if a read operation is performed, the driver attaches a read preference of primaryPreferred to the command.

Fixed memory leak in Connection layer

The Connection class has recently been refactored to operate on our socket operations using promises. An oversight how we made async network operations interruptible made new promises for every operation. We've simplified the approach and corrected the leak.

Query SRV and TXT records in parallel

When connecting using a convenient SRV connection string (mongodb+srv://) hostnames are obtained from an SRV dns lookup and some configuration options are obtained from a TXT dns query. Those DNS operations are now performed in parallel to reduce first-time connection latency.

Container and Kubernetes Awareness

The Node.js driver now keeps track of container metadata in the client.env.container field of the handshake document.

If space allows, the following metadata will be included in client.env.container:

env?: { 
  container?: {
    orchestrator?: 'kubernetes' // if process.env.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST is set
    runtime?: 'docker' // if the '/.dockerenv' file exists

Note: If neither Kubernetes nor Docker is present, client.env will not have the container property.

Add property errorResponse to MongoServerError

The MongoServer error maps keys from the error document returned by the server on to itself. There are some use cases where the original error document is desirable to obtain in isolation. So now, the mongoServerError.errorResponse property stores a reference to the error document returned by the server.

Deprecated unused CloseOptions interface

The CloseOptions interface was unintentionally made public and was only intended for use in the driver's internals. Due to recent refactoring (NODE-5915), this interface is no longer used in the driver. Since it was marked public, out of an abundance of caution we will not be removing it outside of a major version, but we have deprecated it and will be removing it in the next major version.


  • NODE-5968: container and Kubernetes awareness in client metadata (#4005) (28b7040)
  • NODE-5988: Provide access to raw results doc on MongoServerError (#4016) (c023242)
  • NODE-6008: deprecate CloseOptions interface (#4030) (f6cd8d9)

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5636: generate _ids using pkFactory in bulk write operations (#4025) (fbb5059)
  • NODE-5981: read preference not applied to commands properly (#4010) (937c9c8)
  • NODE-5985: throw Nodejs' certificate expired error when TLS fails to connect instead of CERT_HAS_EXPIRED (#4014) (057c223)
  • NODE-5993: memory leak in the Connection class (#4022) (69de253)

Performance Improvements

  • NODE-5986: parallelize SRV/TXT resolution (#4012) (eab8f23)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


2 months ago

6.4.0 (2024-02-29)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.4.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Server selection will use a different Mongos on retry

When retrying reads or writes on a sharded cluster, the driver will attempt to select a different mongos for the retry if multiple are present. This should heuristically avoid encountering the original error that caused the need to retry the operation.

Caching AWS credentials provider per client

Instead of creating a new AWS provider for each authentication, we cache the AWS credentials provider per client to prevent overwhelming the auth endpoint and ensure that cached credentials are not shared with other clients.

BSON upgraded to ^6.4.0

BSON has had a number of performance increases in the last two releases (6.3.0 and 6.4.0). Small basic latin (ASCII) only strings, small memory allocations (ObjectId and Decimal128) and numeric parsing operations (int32, doubles, and longs) have all had optimizations applied to them.

For details check out the release notes here: BSON 6.3.0 and BSON 6.4.0 :racehorse:

ExceededTimeLimit was made a retryable reads error

Read operations will be retried after receiving an error with the ExceededTimeLimit label.

Fixed unresolved request issue in KMS requester

Internal to the field-level encryption machinery is a helper that opens a TLS socket to the KMS provider endpoint and submits a KMS request. The code neglected to add a 'close' event listener to the socket, which had the potential to improperly leave the promise pending indefinitely if no error was encountered.

The base64 padding is now preserved in the saslContinue command

The authentication was rejected by the saslContinue command from mongosh due to missing "=" padding from the client. We fixed the way we parse payload to preserve trailing "="s.

countDocuments now types the filter using the collection Schema

Previously, countDocuments had a weakly typed Document type for the filter allowing any JS object as input. The filter is now typed as Filter<Schema> to enable autocompletion, and, hopefully, catch minor bugs.

Thank you to @pashok88895 for contributing to this improvement.

The type error with $addToSet in bulkWrite was fixed

Previously the following code sample would show a type error:

interface IndexSingatureTestDocument extends Document {
    readonly myId: number;
    readonly mySet: number[];
const indexSingatureCollection = undefined as unknown as Collection<IndexSingatureTestDocument>;
    updateOne: {
      filter: { myId: 0 },
      update: {
        $addToSet: { mySet: 0 } // The type error! Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'never'.

It happened because the driver's Document type falls back to any, and internally we could not distinguish whether or not this assignment was intentional and should be allowed.

After this change, users can extend their types from Document/any, or use properties of any type and we skip the $addToSet validation in those cases.

Fixed heartbeat duration including socket creation

The ServerHeartbeatSucceeded and ServerHeartbeatFailed event have a duration property that represents the time it took to perform the hello handshake with MongoDB. The Monitor responsible for issuing heartbeats mistakenly included the time it took to create the socket in this field, which inflates the value with the time it takes to perform a DNS lookup, TCP, and TLS handshakes.

Errors on cursor transform streams are now properly propagated.

These were previously swallowed and now will be emitted on the error event:

const transform = new Transform({
  transform(data, encoding, callback) {
    callback(null, data);
const stream = db.collection('tests').find().sort({ studentId: -1 }).stream({ transform });
stream.on('error', err => {
  // The error will properly be emitted here.

The AWS token is now optional

Users may provide an AWS_SESSION_TOKEN as a client option or AWS configuration in addition to a username and password. But if the token is not provided, the driver won't throw an exception and let AWS SDK handle the request.


  • NODE-3449: Add serverConnectionId to Command Monitoring Spec (735f7aa)
  • NODE-3470: retry selects another mongos (#3963) (84959ee)
  • NODE-3689: require hello command for connection handshake to use OP_MSG disallowing OP_QUERY (#3938) (ce7df0f)
  • NODE-5717: make ExceededTimeLimit retryable reads error (#3947) (106ab09)
  • NODE-5939: Implement 6.x: cache the AWS credentials provider in the MONGODB-AWS auth logic (#3991) (e0a37e5)
  • NODE-5978: upgrade BSON to ^6.4.0 (#4007) (90f2f70)

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5127: implement reject kmsRequest on server close (#3964) (568e05f)
  • NODE-5609: node driver omits base64 padding in sasl-continue command (#3975) (b7d28d3)
  • NODE-5765: change type for countDocuments (#3932) (22cae0f)
  • NODE-5791: type error with $addToSet in bulkWrite (#3953) (b93d405)
  • NODE-5840: heartbeat duration includes socket creation (#3973) (a42039b)
  • NODE-5901: propagate errors to transformed stream in cursor (#3985) (ecfc615)
  • NODE-5944: make AWS session token optional (#4002) (f26de76)

Performance Improvements

  • NODE-5771: improve new connection (#3948) (a4776cf)
  • NODE-5928: consolidate signal use and abort promise wrap (#3992) (38742c2)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


5 months ago

5.9.2 (2023-11-16)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.9.2 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Fix connection leak when serverApi is enabled

When enabling serverApi the driver's RTT mesurment logic (used to determine the closest node) still sent the legacy hello command "isMaster" causing the server to return an error. Unfortunately, the error handling logic did not correctly destroy the socket which would cause a leak.

Both sending the correct hello command and the error handling connection clean up logic are fixed in this change.

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5750: RTTPinger always sends legacy hello (#3922) (8e56872)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


5 months ago

4.17.2 (2023-11-16)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.17.2 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Fix connection leak when serverApi is enabled

When enabling serverApi the driver's RTT mesurment logic (used to determine the closest node) still sent the legacy hello command "isMaster" causing the server to return an error. Unfortunately, the error handling logic did not correctly destroy the socket which would cause a leak.

Both sending the correct hello command and the error handling connection clean up logic are fixed in this change.

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5751: RTTPinger always sends legacy hello (#3923) (bc3d020)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


5 months ago

6.3.0 (2023-11-15)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.3.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

New client option serverMonitoringMode

For users that want to control the behaviour of the monitoring connection between each node in the topology, a new option, serverMonitoringMode, has been added. This defaults to auto but can be forced into a specific mode by providing a value of poll or stream. When the setting is auto the monitoring mode will be determined by the environment the driver is running in, specifically, FaaS environments prefer "polling" mode and all others prefer "streaming".

A polling monitor periodically issues a hello command to the node at an interval of heartbeatFrequencyMS. A streaming monitor sends an initial hello and then will automatically get a response from the Node when a change in server configuration occurs or at a maximum time of heartbeatFrequencyMS. The value of that option defaults to 10000 milliseconds.

This new option can be provided in the connection string or as an option to the MongoClient.

// In the connection string.
new MongoClient('mongodb://');

// In the options
new MongoClient('mongodb://', { serverMonitoringMode: 'stream' });

Fix connection leak when serverApi is enabled

When enabling serverApi the driver's RTT measurement logic (used to determine the closest node) still sent the legacy hello command "isMaster" causing the server to return an error. Unfortunately, the error handling logic did not correctly destroy the socket which would cause a leak.

Both sending the correct hello command and the error handling connection clean-up logic are fixed in this change.

GridFS fields deprecated

The GridFS contentType and aliases options are deprecated. According to the GridFS spec, applications wishing to store contentType and aliases should add a corresponding field to the metadata document instead.

Remove deprecation warning about punycode

The mongodb-connection-string-url package which parses connection strings relied on Node's punycode module, the package now imports the community package removing the deprecation warning on Node.js 20+.


  • NODE-3881: require hello command + OP_MSG when 'loadBalanced=True' (#3907) (fd58eec)
  • NODE-5197: add server monitoring mode (#3899) (ae4c94a)
  • NODE-5590: deprecate GridFS fields (#3905) (d2225da)

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-4863: do not use RetryableWriteError for non-server errors (#3914) (08c9fb4)
  • NODE-5709: bump mongodb-connection-string-url to 3.0.0 (#3909) (1c3dc02)
  • NODE-5749: RTTPinger always sends legacy hello (#3921) (ebbfb8a)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately and report any issues to the NODE project.


6 months ago

6.2.0 (2023-10-19)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.2.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Updated to BSON 6.2.0

BSON now prints in full color! :rainbow: :rocket:

See our release notes for BSON 6.2.0 here for more examples!

insertedIds in bulk write now contain only successful insertions

Prior to this fix, the bulk write error's result.insertedIds property contained the _id of each attempted insert in a bulk operation.

Now, when a bulkwrite() or an insertMany() operation rejects one or more inserts, throwing an error, the error's result.insertedIds property will only contain the _id fields of successfully inserted documents.

Fixed edge case leak in findOne()

When running a findOne against a time series collection, the driver left the implicit session for the cursor un-ended due to the way the server returns the resulting cursor information. Now the cursor will always be cleaned up regardless of the outcome of the find operation.

Removed client-side collection and database name validation

Database and collection name checking will now be in sync with the MongoDB server's naming restrictions. Specifically, users can now create collections that start or end with the '.' character.


Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5496: remove client-side collection and database name check validation (#3873) (98550c6)
  • NODE-5628: bulkWriteResult.insertedIds does not filter out _ids that are not actually inserted (#3867) (09f2a67)
  • NODE-5706: make findOne() close implicit session to avoid memory leak (#3897) (995d138)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


6 months ago

5.9.1 (2023-10-18)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.9.1 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

insertedIds in bulk write now contain only successful insertions

Prior to this fix, the bulk write error's result.insertedIds property contained the _id of each attempted insert in a bulk operation.

Now, when a bulkwrite() or an insertMany() operation rejects one or more inserts, throwing an error, the error's result.insertedIds property will only contain the _id fields of successfully inserted documents.

Fixed edge case leak in findOne()

When running a findOne against a time series collection, the driver left the implicit session for the cursor un-ended due to the way the server returns the resulting cursor information. Now the cursor will always be cleaned up regardless of the outcome of the find operation.

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5627: BulkWriteResult.insertedIds includes ids that were not inserted (#3870) (d766ae2)
  • NODE-5691: make findOne() close implicit session to avoid memory leak (#3889) (0d6c9cd)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


7 months ago

5.9.0 (2023-09-14)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.9.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Bumped bson version to make use of new Decimal128 behaviour

In this release, we have adopted the changes made to Decimal128 in bson version 5.5. The Decimal128 constructor and fromString() methods now throw when detecting a loss of precision (more than 34 significant digits). We also expose a new fromStringWithRounding() method which restores the previous rounding behaviour.

See the bson v5.5.0 release notes for more information.

Use region settings for STS AWS credentials request

When using IAM AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity AWS authentication the driver uses the @aws-sdk/credential-providers package to contact the Security Token Service API for temporary credentials. AWS recommends using Regional AWS STS endpoints instead of the global endpoint to reduce latency, build-in redundancy, and increase session token validity. Unfortunately, environment variables AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS and AWS_REGION do not directly control the region the SDK's STS client contacts for credentials.

The driver now has added support for detecting these variables and setting the appropriate options when calling the SDK's API: fromNodeProviderChain().

[!IMPORTANT] The driver will only set region options if BOTH environment variables are present. AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS MUST be set to either 'legacy' or 'regional', and AWS_REGION must be set.

Fix memory leak with ChangeStreams

In a previous release, 5.7.0, we refactored cursor internals from callbacks to async/await. In particular, the next function that powers cursors was written with callbacks and would recursively call itself depending on the cursor type. For ChangeStreams, this function would call itself if there were no new changes to return to the user. After converting that code to async/await each recursive call created a new promise that saved the current async context. This would slowly build up memory usage if no new changes came in to unwind the recursive calls.

The function is now implemented as a loop, memory leak be gone!


Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5550: set AWS region from environment variable for STSClient (#3851) (2fab06b)
  • NODE-5587: recursive calls to next cause memory leak (#3842) (f60f1b5)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


7 months ago

6.1.0 (2023-09-14)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.1.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Bump bson version to expose new Decimal128.fromStringWithRounding() method

In this release, we have adopted the changes made to Decimal128 in bson version 6.1.0. We have added a new fromStringWithRounding() method which exposes the previously available inexact rounding behaviour.

See the bson v6.1.0 release notes for more information.

Use region settings for STS AWS credentials request

When using IAM AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity AWS authentication the driver uses the @aws-sdk/credential-providers package to contact the Security Token Service API for temporary credentials. AWS recommends using Regional AWS STS endpoints instead of the global endpoint to reduce latency, build-in redundancy, and increase session token validity. Unfortunately, environment variables AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS and AWS_REGION do not directly control the region the SDK's STS client contacts for credentials.

The driver now has added support for detecting these variables and setting the appropriate options when calling the SDK's API: fromNodeProviderChain().

[!IMPORTANT] The driver will only set region options if BOTH environment variables are present. AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS MUST be set to either 'legacy' or 'regional', and AWS_REGION must be set.

Fix memory leak with ChangeStreams

In a previous release, 5.7.0, we refactored cursor internals from callbacks to async/await. In particular, the next function that powers cursors was written with callbacks and would recursively call itself depending on the cursor type. For ChangeStreams, this function would call itself if there were no new changes to return to the user. After converting that code to async/await each recursive call created a new promise that saved the current async context. This would slowly build up memory usage if no new changes came in to unwind the recursive calls.

The function is now implemented as a loop, memory leak be gone!


Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5551: set AWS region from environment variable for STSClient (#3831) (e9a5079)
  • NODE-5588: recursive calls to next cause memory leak (#3841) (9a8fdb2)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


8 months ago

6.0.0 (2023-08-22)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.0.0 of the mongodb package!

The main focus of this release was usability improvements and a streamlined API. Read on for details!

Release Notes

[!IMPORTANT] This is a list of changes relative to v5.8.1 of the driver. ALL changes listed below are BREAKING. Users migrating from an older version of the driver are advised to upgrade to at least v5.8.1 before adopting v6.

🛠️ Runtime and dependency updates

Minimum Node.js version is now v16.20.1

The minimum supported Node.js version is now v16.20.1. We strive to keep our minimum supported Node.js version in sync with the runtime's release cadence to keep up with the latest security updates and modern language features.

BSON version 6.0.0

This driver version has been updated to use [email protected]. BSON functionality re-exported from the driver is subject to the changes outlined in the BSON V6 release notes.

Optional peer dependency version bumps

  • kerberos optional peer dependency minimum version raised to 2.0.1, dropped support for 1.x
  • zstd optional peer depedency minimum version raised to 1.1.0 from 1.0.0
  • mongodb-client-encryption optional peer dependency minimum version raised to 6.0.0 from 2.3.0 (note that mongodb-client-encryption does not have 3.x-5.x version releases)

[!NOTE] As of version 6.0.0, all useful public APIs formerly exposed from mongodb-client-encryption have been moved into the driver and should now be imported directly from the driver. These APIs rely internally on the functionality exposed from mongodb-client-encryption, but there is no longer any need to explicitly reference mongodb-client-encryption in your application code.

Allow socks to be installed optionally

The driver uses the socks dependency to connect to mongod or mongos through a SOCKS5 proxy. socks used to be a required dependency of the driver and was installed automatically. Now, socks is a peerDependency that must be installed to enable socks proxy support.

☀️ API usability improvements

findOneAndX family of methods will now return only the found document or null by default (includeResultMetadata is false by default)

Previously, the default return type of this family of methods was a ModifyResult containing the found document and additional metadata. This additional metadata is unnecessary for the majority of use cases, so now, by default, they will return only the found document or null.

The previous behavior is still available by explicitly setting includeResultMetadata: true in the options.

See the following blog post for more information.

// This has the same behaviour as providing `{ includeResultMetadata: false }` in the v5.7.0+ driver
await collection.findOneAndUpdate({ hello: 'world' }, { $set: { hello: 'WORLD' } });
// > { _id: new ObjectId("64c4204517f785be30795c92"), hello: 'world' }

// This has the same behaviour as providing no options in any previous version of the driver
await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
  { hello: 'world' },
  { $set: { hello: 'WORLD' } },
  { includeResultMetadata: true }
// > {
// >  lastErrorObject: { n: 1, updatedExisting: true },
// >  value: { _id: new ObjectId("64c4208b17f785be30795c93"), hello: 'world' },
// >  ok: 1
// > }

session.commitTransaction() and session.abortTransaction() return void

Each of these methods erroneously returned server command results that can be different depending on server version or type the driver is connected to. These methods return a promise that if resolved means the command (aborting or commiting) sucessfully completed and rejects otherwise. Viewing command responses is possible through the command monitoring APIs on the MongoClient.

withSession and withTransaction return the value returned by the provided function

The await client.withSession(async session => {}) now returns the value that the provided function returns. Previously, this function returned void this is a feature to align with the following breaking change.

The await session.withTransaction(async () => {}) method now returns the value that the provided function returns. Previously, this function returned the server command response which is subject to change depending on the server version or type the driver is connected to. The return value got in the way of writing robust, reliable, consistent code no matter the backing database supporting the application.

[!WARNING] When upgrading to this version of the driver, be sure to audit any usages of withTransaction for if statements or other conditional checks on the return value of withTransaction. Previously, the return value was the command response if the transaction was committed and undefined if it had been manually aborted. It would only throw if an operation or the author of the function threw an error. Since prior to this release it was not possible to get the result of the function passed to withTransaction we suspect most existing functions passed to this method return void, making withTransaction a void returning function in this major release. Take care to ensure that the return values of your function match the expectation of the code that follows the completion of withTransaction.

Driver methods throw if a session is provided from a different MongoClient

Providing a session from one MongoClient to a method on a different MongoClient has never been a supported use case and leads to undefined behavior. To prevent this mistake, the driver now throws a MongoInvalidArgumentError if session is provided to a driver helper from a different MongoClient.

// pre v6
const session = client1.startSession();
client2.db('foo').collection('bar').insertOne({ name: 'john doe' }, { session }); // no error thrown, undefined behavior

// v6+
const session = client1.startSession();
client2.db('foo').collection('bar').insertOne({ name: 'john doe' }, { session });
// MongoInvalidArgumentError thrown

Callbacks removed from ClientEncryption's encrypt, decrypt, and createDataKey methods

Driver v5 dropped support for callbacks in asynchronous functions in favor of returning promises in order to provide more consistent type and API experience. In alignment with that, we are now removing support for callbacks from the ClientEncryption class.

MongoCryptError is now a subclass of MongoError

Since MongoCryptError made use of Node.js 16's Error API, it has long supported setting the Error.cause field using options passed in via the constructor. Now that Node.js 16 is our minimum supported version, MongoError has been modified to make use of this API as well, allowing us to let MongoCryptError subclass from it directly.

⚙️ Option parsing improvements

useNewUrlParser and useUnifiedTopology emit deprecation warnings

These options were removed in 4.0.0 but continued to be parsed and silently left unused. We have now added a deprecation warning through Node.js' warning system and will fully remove these options in the next major release.

Boolean options only accept 'true' or 'false' in connection strings

Prior to this change, we accepted the values '1', 'y', 'yes', 't' as synonyms for true and '-1', '0', 'f', 'n', 'no' as synonyms for false. These have now been removed in an effort to make working with connection string options simpler.

// Incorrect
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017?tls=1'); // throws MongoParseError

// Correct
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017?tls=true');

Repeated options are no longer allowed in connection strings

In order to avoid accidental misconfiguration the driver will no longer prioritize the first instance of an option provided on the URI. Instead repeated options that are not permitted to be repeated will throw an error.

This change will ensure that connection strings that contain options like tls=true&tls=false are no longer ambiguous.

TLS certificate authority and certificate-key files are now read asynchronously

In order to align with Node.js best practices of keeping I/O async, we have updated the MongoClient to store the file names provided to the existing tlsCAFile and tlsCertificateKeyFile options, as well as the tlsCRLFile option, and only read these files the first time it connects. Prior to this change, the files were read synchronously on MongoClient construction.

[!NOTE] This has no effect on driver functionality when TLS configuration files are properly specified. However, if there are any issues with the TLS configuration files (invalid file name), the error is now thrown when the MongoClient is connected instead of at construction time.

const client = new MongoClient(CONNECTION_STRING, {
  tls: true,
  tlsCAFile: 'caFileName',
  tlsCertificateKeyFile: 'certKeyFile',
  tlsCRLFile: 'crlPemFile'
}); // Files are not read here, but file names are stored on the MongoClient

await client.connect(); // Files are now read and their contents stored
await client.close();

await client.connect(); // Since the file contents have already been cached, the files will not be read again.

Take a look at our TLS documentation for more information on the tlsCAFile, tlsCertificateKeyFile, and tlsCRLFile options.

🐛 Bug fixes

db.command() and admin.command() unsupported options removed

These APIs allow for specifying a command BSON document directly, so the driver does not try to enumerate all possible commands that could be passed to this API in an effort to be as forward and backward compatible as possible.

The db.command() and admin.command() APIs have their options types updated to accurately reflect options compatible on all commands that could be passed to either API.

Perhaps most notably, readConcern and writeConcern options are no longer handled by the driver. Users must attach these properties to the command that is passed to the .command() method.

Removed irrelevant fields from ConnectionPoolCreatedEvent.options

The options field of ConnectionPoolCreatedEvent now has the following shape:

	maxPoolSize: number,
	minPoolSize: number,
	maxConnecting: number,
	maxIdleTimeMS: number,
	waitQueueTimeoutMS: number

Fixed parsing of empty readPreferenceTags in connection string

The following connection string will now produce the following readPreferenceTags:

// client.options.readPreference.tags
[{ region: 'ny' }, { rack: 'r1' }, {}];

The empty readPreferenceTags allows drivers to still select a server if the leading tag conditions are not met.

Corrected GridFSBucketWriteStream's Writable method overrides and event emission

Our implementation of a writeable stream for GridFSBucketWriteStream mistakenly overrode the write() and end() methods, as well as, manually emitted 'close', 'drain', 'finish' events. Per Node.js documentation, these methods and events are intended for the Node.js stream implementation to provide, and an author of a stream implementation is supposed to override _write, _final, and allow Node.js to manage event emitting.

Since the API is still a Writable stream most usages will continue to work with no changes, the .write() and .end() methods are still available and take the same arguments. The breaking change relates to the improper manually emitted event listeners that are now handled by Node.js. The 'finish' and 'drain' events will no longer receive the GridFSFile document as an argument (this is the document inserted to the bucket's files collection after all chunks have been inserted). Instead, it will be available on the stream itself as a property: gridFSFile.

// If our event handler is declared as a `function` "this" is bound to the stream.
  .on('finish', function () {

// If our event handler is declared using big arrow notation,
// the property is accessible on a scoped variable
const uploadStream = bucket.openUploadStream('file.txt');
  .on('finish', () => console.log(uploadStream.gridFSFile));

Since the class no longer emits its own events: static constants GridFSBucketWriteStream.ERROR, GridFSBucketWriteStream.FINISH, GridFSBucketWriteStream.CLOSE have been removed to avoid confusion about the source of the events and the arguments their listeners accept.

Fix manually emitted events from GridFSBucketReadStream

The GridFSBucketReadStream internals have also been corrected to no longer emit events that are handled by Node's stream logic. Since the class no longer emits its own events: static constants GridFSBucketReadStream.ERROR, GridFSBucketReadStream.DATA, GridFSBucketReadStream.CLOSE, and GridFSBucketReadStream.END have been removed to avoid confusion about the source of the events and the arguments their listeners accept.

createDataKey return type fix

Previously, the TypeScript for createDataKey incorrectly declared the result to be a DataKey but the method actually returns the DataKey's insertedId.

📜 Removal of deprecated functionality

db.addUser() and admin.addUser() removed

The deprecated addUser APIs have been removed. The driver maintains support across many server versions and the createUser command has support for different features based on the server's version. Since applications can generally write code to work against a uniform and perhaps more modern server, the path forward is for applications to send the createUser command directly.

The associated options interface with this API has also been removed: AddUserOptions.

See the createUser documentation for more information.

const db = client.db('admin');
// Example addUser usage
await db.addUser('myUsername', 'myPassword', { roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'mflix' }] });
// Example equivalent command usage
await db.command({
  createUser: 'myUsername',
  pwd: 'myPassword',
  roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'mflix' }]

collection.stats() removed

The collStats command is deprecated starting in server v6.2 so the driver is removing its bespoke helper in this major release. The collStats command is still available to run manually via await db.command(). However, the recommended migration is to use the $collStats aggregation stage.

The following interfaces associated with this API have also been removed: CollStatsOptions and WiredTigerData.

BulkWriteResult deprecated properties removed

The following deprecated properties have been removed as they duplicated those outlined in the [MongoDB CRUD specification|]. The list indicates what properties provide the correct migration:

  • BulkWriteResult.nInserted -> BulkWriteResult.insertedCount
  • BulkWriteResult.nUpserted -> BulkWriteResult.upsertedCount
  • BulkWriteResult.nMatched -> BulkWriteResult.matchedCount
  • BulkWriteResult.nModified -> BulkWriteResult.modifiedCount
  • BulkWriteResult.nRemoved -> BulkWriteResult.deletedCount
  • BulkWriteResult.getUpsertedIds -> BulkWriteResult.upsertedIds / BulkWriteResult.getUpsertedIdAt(index: number)
  • BulkWriteResult.getInsertedIds -> BulkWriteResult.insertedIds

Deprecated SSL options have been removed

The following options have been removed with their supported counterparts listed after the ->

  • sslCA -> tlsCAFile
  • sslCRL -> tlsCRLFile
  • sslCert -> tlsCertificateKeyFile
  • sslKey -> tlsCertificateKeyFile
  • sslPass -> tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword
  • sslValidate -> tlsAllowInvalidCertificates
  • tlsCertificateFile -> tlsCertificateKeyFile

The deprecated keepAlive and keepAliveInitialDelay options have been removed

TCP keep alive will always be on and now set to a value of 30000ms.

🗑️ Removal of "dead" code

The removed functionality listed in this section was either unused or not useful outside the driver internals.

Constructors for MongoError and its subclasses now clearly indicate they are meant for internal use only

MongoError and its subclasses are not meant to be constructed by users as they are thrown within the driver on specific error conditions to allow users to react to these conditions in ways which match their use cases. The constructors for these types are now subject to change outside of major versions and their API documentation has been updated to reflect this.

AutoEncrypter and MongoClient.autoEncrypter are now internal

As of this release, users will no longer be able to access the AutoEncrypter interface or the MongoClient.autoEncrypter field of an encrypted MongoClient instance as they do not have a use outside the driver internals.

ClientEncryption.onKMSProvidersRefresh function removed

ClientEncryption.onKMSProvidersRefresh was added as a public API in version 2.3.0 of mongodb-client-encryption to allow for automatic refresh of KMS provider credentials. Subsequently, we added the capability to automatically refresh KMS credentials using the KMS provider's preferred refresh mechanism, and onKMSProviderRefresh is no longer used.

EvalOptions removed

This cleans up some dead code in the sense that there were no eval command related APIs but the EvalOptions type was public, so we want to ensure there are no surprises now that this type has been removed.


  • NODE-5584: adopt bson v6 and mongodb-client-encryption v6 (#3845)
  • NODE-5484: mark MongoError for internal use and remove Node14 cause assignment logic (#3800)
  • NODE-4788: use implementer Writable methods for GridFSBucketWriteStream (#3808)
  • NODE-4986: remove callbacks from ClientEncryption encrypt, decrypt, and createDataKey (#3797)
  • NODE-5490: bump kerberos compatibility to ^2.0.1 (#3798)
  • NODE-3568: ensure includeResultsMetadata is false by default (#3786)
  • NODE-3989: only accept true and false for boolean options (#3791)
  • NODE-5233: prevent session from one client from being used on another (#3790)
  • NODE-5444: emit deprecation warning for useNewUrlParser and useUnifiedTopology (#3792)
  • NODE-5470: convert remaining FLE to TS and drop support for onKMSProvidersRefresh (#3787)
  • NODE-5508: remove EvalOperation and EvalOptions (#3795)
  • NODE-3920: validate options are not repeated in connection string (#3788)
  • NODE-3924: read tls files async (#3776)
  • NODE-5430: make AutoEncrypter and MongoClient.autoEncrypter internal (#3789)
  • NODE-4961: remove command result from commit and abort transaction APIs (#3784)
  • NODE-2014: return executor result from withSession and withTransaction (#3783)
  • NODE-5409: allow socks to be installed optionally (#3782)
  • NODE-4796: remove addUser and collection.stats APIs (#3781)
  • NODE-4936: remove unsupported options from db.command and admin.command (#3775)
  • NODE-5228: remove unneeded fields from ConnectionPoolCreatedEvent.options (#3772)
  • NODE-5190: remove deprecated keep alive options (#3771)
  • NODE-5186: remove duplicate BulkWriteResult accessors (#3766)
  • NODE-5376: remove deprecated ssl options (#3755)
  • NODE-5415: bump minimum Node.js version to v16.20.1 (#3760)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.