Nhost Versions Save

The Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.


3 weeks ago

✨ Highlights

March has been a month of under-the-hood improvements paving the way for future features and enhancements. We have been working on improving the stability and performance of our services, as well as making sure our documentation is up to date and easy to follow. We have also been working on improving the developer experience by adding new features to our CLI and dashboard.

Not all changes are visible to the end user, but they are all important to ensure a smooth experience when using Nhost. We are excited about the changes we have made and are looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming months.

🛠️ Dashboard

In the dashboard we have added new features to manage your account. In addition, you can now configure healthchecks for your Nhost Run services. This will allow you to monitor the health of your services and restart the service automatically if something happens.

📚 Examples

We have been expanding our react-apollo and vue-apollo examples, which you can find online here and here. You can also find them in our GitHub repository.

Amongst those addition you can find how to protect your magic links from certain email clients that follow links without user interaction invalidating the magic link. You can find more information about this in our blog.

💻 Local Development for Nhost Run

To ease development we have added a new feature to the CLI that allows you to run your services locally without the need for docker. This is a feature that should give you a faster feedback loop when developing your applications. You can read about it in our documentation.

🏎️ Auth to Go

We have been working on migrating our Auth service to Go. This is a very delicate process we are still working on, but we are excited about the performance improvements we are seeing. This migration should be transparent to you (other than the performance improvements, of course 😉) so there is no need to panic about it. We will shortly write a blog post about how we are tackling this migration, the benefits we expect and we will also share some service benchmarks.

🚀 Releases


The following releases were made:

  • v0.27.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • chore: node: update webauthn dependencies @dbarrosop (#474)
  • fix: go: automatically use paths compatible with cli/prod @dbarrosop (#473)
  • fix: go: add default locale/roles to allowed list @dbarrosop (#472)
  • migrate: /signup/email-password @dbarrosop (#467)
  • chore: fix role to assume in gen update dependencies @dbarrosop (#470)
  • chore: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#466)
  • feat: add golang entrypoint that acts as reverse-proxy when routes don't match @dbarrosop (#464)

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • v1.15.0
  • v1.15.1
  • v1.15.2

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • [Scheduled] Update dependencies @github-actions (#841)
  • feat: added run subcommand to generate .env files @dbarrosop (#843)
  • fix: refresh token expiration @nunopato (#835)
  • chore: bump nhost/dashboard to 1.10.0 @nhost-build (#833)
  • chore: fix role to assume in gen update dependencies @dbarrosop (#840)
  • fix: dont interpolate secrets when deploying nhost run @dbarrosop (#844)
  • chore: bump nhost/dashboard to 1.11.0 @nhost-build (#845)
  • chore: update schema @dbarrosop (#846)

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • v0.4.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: store assistants data in a jsonb field instead of relying on "deconstructing" openai's object

Packages and Examples

Below you can find the latest release for each individual package released during this month:

@nhost/dashboard: 1.12.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/docs: 2.9.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/cli: 0.3.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/codegen-react-apollo: 0.4.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/codegen-react-query: 0.4.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-urql: 0.3.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/docker-compose: 0.4.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/multi-tenant-one-to-many: 2.2.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/nextjs: 0.3.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/node-storage: 0.2.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/nextjs-server-components: 0.4.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/sveltekit: 0.4.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-apollo: 0.8.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-gqty: 1.2.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/serverless-functions: 0.2.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/vue-apollo: 0.6.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/vue-quickstart: 0.2.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/apollo: 6.2.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/google-translation: 0.2.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react-apollo: 11.0.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react-urql: 8.0.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/stripe-graphql-js: 1.2.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/docgen: 0.3.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/hasura-auth-js: 2.4.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/nextjs: 2.1.10 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/nhost-js: 3.0.11 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react: 3.4.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/sync-versions: 0.2.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/vue: 2.5.1 CHANGELOG.md


And last but not least don't forget to thank our opensource contributors if you have the chance:



1 month ago

✨ Highlights

🔒 Elevated Permissions

We are very happy to announce our latest addition to the myriad of features supported by our Auth service; Elevated Permissions. This feature allows you to require elevated permissions for certain actions. This is a great addition for users requiring an extra layer of security for their applications. For more information you can head to our docs and/or our blog post.

🔍 Dashboard: Improvements to logs visualization

We have added a couple of improvements to the logs visualization in the dashboard. First, we are adding dynamically any process that is running in your project, not just the processes belonging to the Nhost stack or that you may be running as part of your Run services. This means you will be able to filter backup jobs, restores and others. Second, we have added a new input field to filter logs using a regular expression. This should allow you to find the logs you are looking for faster.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 10 10 48

🌐 IPv6

We have made our services available through IPv6. This should bring better performance and reliability for some of our users depending on their location and network configuration. This comes at no extra cost and to benefit from this you don't need to do anything. If you want to know more you can read our blog post.

⚡ Disk Performance Improvements

We have made some changes to the way we allocate disks to our services that should bring better performance. This applies to all Run services with an attached volume and to the database service. For more details you can refer to our documentation

⚙️ Managing settings locally

This month we have set the foundation to allow you to manage your settings locally through the dashboard. This is a feature that we are very excited about and that we will be expanding in the coming weeks. While this feature is not yet ready, we wanted to give you a brief heads-up.

🚀 Releases


The following releases were made:

  • v0.25.0
  • v0.26.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: added AUTH_REQUIRE_ELEVATED_CLAIM to require elevated permissions for certain action
  • feat: added endpoint to "elevate" permissions using webauthn
  • chore: update dependencies
  • fix: replace helper.error with helper.message due to joi's breaking changes

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • v1.14.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: added local config server so we can enable settings locally @dbarrosop (#830)
  • fix: filter beta and older than running cli versions @dbarrosop (#831)
  • fix: hide apply metadata errors and verify metadata in the end @dbarrosop (#826)
  • chore: bump nhost/dashboard to 1.6.7 @nhost-build (#824)
  • chore: update dependencies @dbarrosop (#827)
  • chore: fix dev cert.sh to include mailhog @dbarrosop (#825)
  • chore: fix crosscompiling @dbarrosop (#832)
  • chore: nixify CI and deploy images @dbarrosop (#829)

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • v0.3.3

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • fix: blank metadata due to openai bug @dbarrosop (#35)
  • chore: update deps @dbarrosop (#33)
  • chore: bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#32)
  • chore: replace nix code with standardized nixops @dbarrosop (#31)
  • chore: bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6 @dependabot (#34)

Packages and Examples

Below you can find the latest release for each individual package released during this month:

@nhost/dashboard: 1.9.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/docs: 2.6.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/cli: 0.1.9 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/codegen-react-apollo: 0.1.17 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/codegen-react-query: 0.1.18 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-urql: 0.0.14 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/docker-compose: 0.1.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/multi-tenant-one-to-many: 2.0.7 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/nextjs: 0.1.19 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/node-storage: 0.0.11 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/nextjs-server-components: 0.2.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-apollo: 0.3.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-gqty: 1.0.7 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/serverless-functions: 0.0.11 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/vue-apollo: 0.2.4 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/vue-quickstart: 0.0.16 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/apollo: 6.0.8 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/google-translation: 0.0.8 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react-apollo: 9.0.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react-urql: 6.0.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/stripe-graphql-js: 1.0.7 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/docgen: 0.1.13 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/graphql-js: 0.1.8 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/hasura-auth-js: 2.3.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/hasura-storage-js: 2.4.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/nextjs: 2.1.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/nhost-js: 3.0.8 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react: 3.2.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/sync-versions: 0.0.10 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/vue: 2.2.3 CHANGELOG.md

For dart:

@nhost_auth_dart: 2.2.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_dart: 2.0.4 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_flutter_auth: 4.0.4 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_flutter_graphql: 3.0.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_functions_dart: 2.0.4 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_gql_links: 4.0.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_graphql_adapter: 4.0.4 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_sdk: 5.3.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_storage_dart: 2.0.4 CHANGELOG.md


And last but not least don't forget to thank our opensource contributors if you have the chance:



2 months ago

✨ Highlights

This January, we've experienced an exceptionally busy time (but let's be honest, which month isn't?). Nevertheless, we're thrilled with what we've achieved so far.

We're excited to share that we have a lot in store for the remainder of Q1. Get ready to enjoy the releases coming this month, and make sure to stay tuned for all the exciting things that are yet to come!

🤝 Changes to plans

In January, we unveiled our new Team plan, designed specifically for our most demanding users. While we had previously offered similar agreements to select customers, we decided to standardize the plan and make it accessible to everyone.

If you're interested in learning more about our Team plan and its features, head over to our pricing page for further details.

📈 Storage performance improvements

We're excited to share that this month, we've made significant performance improvements for heavy users of our image manipulation feature. By upgrading to v0.6.0, you'll experience impressive memory utilization enhancements. Based on real measurements, some users have seen up to a remarkable 90% reduction in memory usage.

Make sure not to miss out on these exciting improvements! Upgrade now to enjoy a more efficient image manipulation experience.

💻 CLI + AI + Run + GitHub = 🌈❤️🦄🌈❤️🦄🌈❤️🦄🌈❤️🦄

This month has been buzzing with activity for our CLI, as we bring a plethora of exciting features and enhancements.

First off, we're thrilled to announce that our CLI now supports running our AI service. Experience the power of our AI service locally and deploy it if you're impressed. Our documentation provides step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

But that's not all! We've also added support for running Run services through our CLI. With a simple command, you can now instantiate a nearly identical replica of your production environment, including the Nhost stack and all your Run services. And to make it even better, we've introduced support for overlays, providing you with enhanced flexibility.

Lastly, we're pleased to inform you that you can now conveniently log in with GitHub directly from the CLI. Say goodbye to the hassle of setting up a separate password just for the CLI.

These exciting updates will undoubtedly improve your development experience. Make sure to explore these new functionalities and let us know what you think!

🚀 Releases


The following releases were made:

  • v0.24.1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • chore: add pnpm audit to the CI and update deps
  • feat: Adding an index on refresh_tokens to increase performances
  • fix: parse stringified metadata during oauth callback

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • v1.11.0
  • v1.12.0
  • v1.13.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: add graphite @dbarrosop (#802)
  • feat: reimplement login mechanism to support github @dbarrosop (#814)
  • feat: added support to run Run services @dbarrosop (#818)
  • feat: added support for overlays to run services @dbarrosop (#820)
  • fix: update deps due to GO-2024-2466 @dbarrosop (#822)
  • fix: simplify getting nhost client @dbarrosop (#819)
  • chore: bump nhost/dashboard to 1.6.3 @nhost-build (#821)
  • chore: replace nix code with standardized nixops @dbarrosop (#817)

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during this month:

  • 14.6-20240129-1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • clean core dumps automatically

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • v0.5.1
  • v0.6.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • chore: update deps @dbarrosop (#191)
  • feat: replace custom C code with govips @dbarrosop (#196)
  • chore: bump cachix/cachix-action from 13 to 14 @dependabot (#192)
  • chore: replace nix code with standardized nixops @dbarrosop (#193)
  • chore: bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#195)

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG

Packages and Examples

Below you can find the latest release for each individual package released during this month:

@nhost/dashboard: 1.6.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/docs: 2.2.0 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/cli: 0.1.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/codegen-react-apollo: 0.1.11 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/codegen-react-query: 0.1.12 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-urql: 0.0.8 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/docker-compose: 0.0.7 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/multi-tenant-one-to-many: 2.0.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/nextjs: 0.1.13 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/node-storage: 0.0.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/nextjs-server-components: 0.1.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/sveltekit: 0.2.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-apollo: 0.1.18 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/react-gqty: 1.0.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/serverless-functions: 0.0.10 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/vue-apollo: 0.0.10 CHANGELOG.md @nhost-examples/vue-quickstart: 0.0.10 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/apollo: 6.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/google-translation: 0.0.7 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react-apollo: 7.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react-urql: 4.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/stripe-graphql-js: 1.0.6 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/docgen: 0.1.12 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/graphql-js: 0.1.5 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/hasura-auth-js: 2.1.11 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/hasura-storage-js: 2.2.6 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/nextjs: 2.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/nhost-js: 3.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/react: 3.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/sync-versions: 0.0.9 CHANGELOG.md @nhost/vue: 2.0.3 CHANGELOG.md

For dart:

@nhost_auth_dart: 2.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_dart: 2.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_flutter_auth: 4.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_flutter_graphql: 3.0.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_functions_dart: 2.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_gql_links: 4.0.3 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_graphql_adapter: 4.0.2 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_sdk: 5.1.1 CHANGELOG.md @nhost_storage_dart: 2.0.2 CHANGELOG.md


And last but not least don't forget to thank our opensource contributors if you have the chance:



3 months ago


Below you can find the highlights for the month of December. We hope you enjoy them!

Happy New Year

We want to start things off by wishing you a happy new year from the Nhost team! May 2024 bring you abundance and success in all your endeavors.

AI Week

December was an exciting month for us as we celebrated our first AI Week! During this special event, we unveiled Graphite, our cutting-edge AI service aimed at empowering your applications with AI capabilities. Graphite comes packed with a range of groundbreaking features, such as autogeneration of embeddings, a developer assistant, and the ability to create customized AI assistants tailored specifically to your applications. Additionally, we launched our brand new documentation, now integrated with ChatGPT. If you missed those announcements, fret not, you can find a recap and all the relevant links here.

Removing backendUrl from the SDK

Over a year ago, we transitioned from using backendUrl to a more scalable and versatile mechanism for generating per-service specific URLs, utilizing service names and regions. As part of this transition, the old domains were officially removed on December 1st, as we had previously announced.

We would like to inform you that we have recently released a new version of our SDK. In this updated version, the support for backendUrl has been completely removed. Although this change is not expected to have a direct impact on your usage, we have decided to perform a major version bump for all our SDKs.



The following releases were made:

  • v1.10.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: enable-wal-settings @NesManrique
  • feat: add healthcheck config @NesManrique
  • chore: bump nhost/dashboard to 0.21.1 @nhost-build

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during this month:

  • 1.0.0...1.3.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • Fix graphite's default version
  • feat: add settings and ui for graphite
  • chore: remove sharp from deps
  • Updated dependencies [bc9eff6e4]
  • chore: remove support for using backendUrl when instantiating the Nhost client

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during this month:

  • 14.6-20231218-1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • Added wal settings
  • plugins: upgraded to following versions:
    • postgis: 3.4.1

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG

Packages and Examples

Below you can find the latest release for each individual package released during this month:

@nhost/nhost-js: 3.0.1 @nhost/docs: 0.7.4 @nhost/apollo: 6.0.1 @nhost/react-apollo: 7.0.1 @nhost/react-urql: 4.0.1 @nhost/hasura-auth-js: 2.1.10 @nhost/nextjs: 2.0.1 @nhost/react: 3.0.1 @nhost/vue: 2.0.1

For dart:

@nhost_auth_dart: 2.0.0 @nhost_dart: 2.0.0 @nhost_flutter_auth: 4.0.0 @nhost_functions_dart: 2.0.0 @nhost_gql_links: 4.0.0 @nhost_graphql_adapter: 4.0.0 @nhost_sdk: 5.0.0 @nhost_storage_dart: 2.0.0


@nhost-examples/docker-compose: 0.0.6 @nhost-examples/multi-tenant-one-to-many: 2.0.0 @nhost-examples/nextjs-server-components: 0.1.4 @nhost-examples/react-gqty: 1.0.0


And last but not least don't forget to thank our opensource contributors if you have the chance:

alexnguyennz lectrician1


4 months ago


Below you can find the highlights for the month of November. We hope you enjoy them!

AI Week

Save the date! We have some exciting announcements to share during our very first AI Week this December. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details on AI Week. You won't want to miss it!

Custom domains now supported on functions

Great news! We now support custom domains for functions as well.


SQL Editor

We have enhanced our dashboard by adding a SQL editor directly into the database tab. This feature allows you to perform various tasks such as generating manual migrations locally in the CLI, querying data with SQL, and creating or tracking tables, views, functions, and more. This SQL editor makes our dashboard even more useful for your database needs.

Screenshot 2023-12-03 at 14 31 51



The following releases were made:

  • 0.21.4
  • 0.22.0
  • 0.22.1
  • 0.23.0
  • 0.24.0

Including the following changes:

  • fix(oauth): correctly parse user profile during Sign-In with Apple
  • chore: added codeql
  • feat: set oauth origin dynamically based on host header
  • feat: allow configuring api prefix
  • fix: update sign-in with Linked-In to use OpenId
  • feat: add option to disable user sign-up through AUTH_DISABLE_SIGNUP
  • fix: make sure existing modified permissions are not overwritten
  • fix: use empty as AUTH_API_PREFIX default value
  • fix: move catch-all route-not-found handler to root
  • feat: add AUTH_WEBAUTHN_RP_ID environment variable
  • fix: conceal error if AUTH_CONCEAL_ERRORS is set

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • 0.4.1
  • 0.5.0

Including the following changes:

  • chore: adds a flag for specifying the db name for migrations
  • chore: docs: added antivirus documentation
  • chore: avoid warning logs with av notification
  • feat: migrate to aws-sdk-go-v2 IMPORTANT: self-hosted installations may need to update their s3 settings to include S3_ENDPOINT and potentially others before upgrading
  • chore: bump go to 1.21.4 due to CVE

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • 1.9.1
  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3
  • 1.9.4

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: added support to auth >= 0.22.0
  • fix: added support for signupDisabled
  • fix: regenerate graphql bindings and fix pipeline to verify them
  • chore: bump nhost/dashboard to 0.20.28
  • feat: add support for webauthn rp id
  • feat: allow overriding dashboard version

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following dashboard releases were made:

  • 0.20.28
  • 0.21.0
  • 0.21.1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: add support for users to delete their account
  • chore: updated dependencies:
  • feat: update alert message on increasing PostgreSQL's volume capacity
  • feat: add SQL editor
  • fix: prevent dashboard from resolving secrets

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following dashboard releases were made:

  • 0.7.1
  • 0.7.2
  • 0.7.3

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • fix: remove custom domains from roadmap
  • fix: add instructions for enabling Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect
  • fix: fixed typo in Run deploy example script

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following changes were dont to our example projects.


The following releases were made:

  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.2

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • Updated dependencies
  • fix: resolve issue with WebAuthn authentication

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following releases were made:

  • 0.1.16
  • 0.1.17

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


Below you can find the changes to the various packages in our SDKs.


The following versions were released during November:

  • 5.2.22

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during November:

  • 6.0.1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during November:

  • 3.0.1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during November:

  • 1.13.40

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during November:

  • 2.2.18

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: export urlFromSubdomain helper

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during November:

  • 2.1.1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during November:

  • 1.14.1

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG

Dark SDK

Packages with dependency updates only:

  • nhost_graphql_adapter - v3.0.1
  • nhost_functions_dart - v1.0.1
  • nhost_auth_dart - v1.0.1
  • nhost_gql_links - v3.0.1
  • nhost_dart - v1.0.2
  • nhost_flutter_auth - v3.0.2
  • nhost_flutter_graphql - v3.0.1


The following versions were released during November:

  • 4.1.0

Including the following changes:

  • feat(nhost-storage): added image transform options to getPresignedUrl.


The following versions were released during November:

  • 1.1.0

Including the following changes:

  • feat(nhost-storage): added image transform options to getPresignedUrl.


And last but not least don't forget to thank our opensource contributors if you have the chance:

spakanati totzk9 Bernix01 ChrisSG ErwinPetit


5 months ago


Below you can find the highlights for the month of October. We hope you enjoy them!

Custom domains

You now have the ability to utilize custom domains to access your services. This is especially beneficial for the authentication service because it ensures that your users only interact with your domain. Additionally, it offers greater control over the links in your email templates, enabling you to optimize them and prevent delays caused by spam filters.

For more information, head to the documentation



The dashboard now includes on the main page an "Announcements" widget:

announcements section

Would you like to know more? Then keep an eye for important news about Nhost in our new widget.

Connecting GitHub Repositories

Workspace members with a project connected to a GitHub repository should have the ability to connect additional projects to the same repository.


Database size

Users can now increase the maximum size of their postgres database. To do so head to your project's Settings -> Database and increase your storage capacity. If you are using the toml don't forget to run nhost config pull after increasing the size.

Hub Information

The docker hub should now present more information about our postgres image used both in the CLI and in the cloud. Amongst the information you should be able to see the CHANGELOG, extensions available, their versions, options, etc.

You can head to the docker hub to see it in action.


Sveltekit example

Updated the SvelteKit example to showcase how to use the Nhost SDK in server load functions and API routes.

vue-apollo example

As we released support to upload multiple files using composables in vue we updated our vue-apollo example to showcase this new feature. Head to the example and check it out.


A new dashboard with traffic metrics is now available to our Pro users. In this dashbord you can see metrics like requests per second, response status rate, reponse size, reponse times, error rate, etc. Head to your grafana service and look for your new "Ingress Metrics" and let us know what you think.

grafana ingress metrics



In October, several CLI releases took place with a few bugfixes, additions and minor changes, the most relevant being:

  • A new flag --yes has been added to nhost config pull to automatically answer "Y" to all prompts. This should streamline synchronizing configuration changes locally
  • The underlying docker volume type for postgres data has changed from type bind to volume. This should bring some performance benefits and, more importantly, should increase compatibility with various setups like linux users using SELINUX. Unfortunately this means that upgrading your CLI will reset your current development data.
  • To complement the volume type changed, a new --volumes flag has been added to nhost down. This will shutdown your project as usual but it will also delete any underlying volume used, effectively deleting your postgres data amongst other things.

You can find the release notes for each version released during October below:



  • extensions: upgraded to following versions:
    • pgvector: 0.5.1
    • cron: 1.6.2
    • timescaledb: 2.12.2


  • cloud: minor internal improvements
  • extensions: added pgsql-http extension


Below you can find the changes to the various packages in our SDKs.


The following versions were released during October:

  • 5.2.21
  • 5.2.20

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • fix: apollo-integration: correctly reset accessToken to null after sign-out
  • fix: apollo-integration: reset accessToken to null after sign-out

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during October:

  • 1.13.39

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during October:

  • 2.1.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • Update useChangePassword hook interface to include ActionLoadingState
  • fix(docs): update changeEmail usage reference

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during October:

  • 6.0.0
  • 5.0.38
  • 5.0.37

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during October:

  • 3.0.0

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during October:

  • 0.20.27
  • 0.20.26
  • 0.20.25
  • 0.20.24
  • 0.20.23
  • 0.20.22
  • 0.20.21

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • chore(dashboard): tweaks and fixes to the service form and dialog
  • fix(dashboard): allow resetting custom domains
  • feat(dashboard): add postgres storage capacity modifier in the settings
  • feat(dashboard): add new settings page for custom domains
  • @nhost/[email protected]
  • fix(dashboard): disable run tab when developing locally
  • chore(dashboard): show alert to update oauth providers
  • feat(dashboard): query latest announcement from platform
  • chore: update link to node18 announcement

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


The following versions were released during October:

  • 1.14.0
  • 1.13.39
  • 1.13.38

Below you can find a summary of changes included:

  • feat: add new composable useMultipleFilesUpload
  • fix(docs): update changeEmail usage reference
  • fix(vue-sdk): correctly unref arrays

For details about the changes in each version head to the CHANGELOG


6 months ago


Below you can find the highlights for the month of September. We hope you enjoy them!

Nhost Run now in public beta

As announced a couple of weeks ago, we are excited to share that Nhost Run has officially entered the public beta phase. Anyone with a Pro plan can now have access to its full range of features.

Since its launch, we've witnessed an impressive array of use cases for Nhost Run. From optimizing PostgreSQL databases to building machine learning pipelines and creating custom workflows software, the versatility of Nhost Run has been prominent. One aspect that has garnered significant praise is its user-friendly nature, particularly thanks to the convenient one-click install links. Users have found it exceptionally easy to get started and leverage Nhost Run's power to streamline their projects. The positive feedback and diverse applications continue to inspire us as we strive to enhance the platform even further.

We genuinely hope that everyone shares our excitement and takes advantage of the incredible capabilities offered by Nhost Run. Let's embrace this new era of possibilities together!


Storage Antivirus

We're thrilled to announce that Hasura Storage now supports integration with the open-source antivirus ClamAV, further enhancing the security measures available to our users. By seamlessly integrating ClamAV into the Hasura Storage infrastructure, we provide an additional layer of protection against potential security threats. This powerful combination ensures that your data remains secure and protected from malicious files or potential vulnerabilities. We're excited to offer this enhanced security feature and empower our users with the peace of mind they deserve.

The antivirus seamlessly utilizes Nhost Run to host its dedicated ClamAV instance, effectively demonstrating the wide range of use cases and remarkable versatility offered by the platform.


Functions using node18

On October 1st, we completed the migration of our Functions service from Node.js 16 to the latest LTS version, Node.js 18. This update was necessary as Node.js 16 reached its End-of-Life (EOL) on September 11th. By upgrading to Node.js 18, we ensure that our platform remains supported with the latest features, performance improvements, and security patches. This transition highlights our commitment to providing a reliable and current development environment for our users.


PostgreSQL performance guide

Having a healthy and performant PostgreSQL is very important to ensure your project's availability and response times. For that reason, we have written a short guide on things to try when your service isn't performing as well as you'd like. You can find the guide here.

PostgreSQL extensions

We have compiled all plugins available and how to enabled them in a single documentation page

SvelteKit and Next.js Server Components examples

We have added examples for Nhost with SvelteKit Example and Nhost with Next.js Server Components. Please, check them out and let us know if you have any feedback.



In September, several CLI releases took place, with the most significant one being 1.8.0. This release switched the default Node.js version for the functions service to Node.js 18.

You can find the release notes for each version released during September below:



During September there were many minor fixes and additions to the dashboard spread across release 0.20.10 and 0.20.0.

For detailed changes check the CHANGELOG


@nhost/[email protected]

6 months ago

Patch Changes

  • 3e46d3873: chore: update link to node18 announcement

@nhost/[email protected]

6 months ago

Patch Changes

@nhost/[email protected]

6 months ago

Patch Changes