Nginx Proxy Manager Versions Save

Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface


3 months ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.11.1
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs manually
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Fix startup hanging for instances where there are SSL certs but none of them are DNS challenges

Docker images


3 months ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.11.0
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs manually
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Use nginxproxymanager/nginx-full image base #3444
    • debian bookworm
    • python v3.11
    • certbot v2.8.0
  • Refactor certbot plugins install, updated some plugins, remove packages that don't exist anymore
  • Update mariadb example to auto upgrade from latest image
  • @FibreTTP: Make logrotate use the proper user and group #3219
  • @AngusC222: minimum/maximum ports added on frontend #3188
  • @benhubert: added support for certbot plugin #2153
  • @devedse: Added force renewal + --dns-duckdns-no-txt-restore #3155
  • @OpenSourceSimon: Add robots noindex meta tag to prevent indexing #3190
  • @zhzy0077: certbot-dns-tencentcloud should be 2.0.2 or above. #3194
  • @FlixMa: Strato Certbot Plugin: 2FA and International Site Support #3212
  • @xiaoxinpro: Replace the description string on the default-site page with i18n #3293
  • @AngusC222: min/max ports added for Streams #3312
  • @jlesage: Fixed issue where the HTTP2 support was always enabled in nginx config #3377
  • @r3na: fix: increasing maxOptions (amount of domains) to 30 #3382
  • @clord: bump version of vultr certbot #3387
  • @jlesage: Fixes for the server reachability test #3388
  • @JeremieA: Update certbot-dns-plugins.js for gandi #3401
  • @arussell: Add support for certbot-dns-plesk #3408
  • @Encephala: Add documentation on customising logrotate config #3422
  • @Encephala: Update year to 2024 in footer #3427
  • @DarioViva42: only add hsts header with https. #3360
  • @timob: Improve container startup time #3361
  • @Encephala: Fix typo in logrotate config path #3437
  • @ej52: update Proxmox Scripts link #3367
  • @benhubert: added support for certbot plugin #2153 #2924
  • @tilalx: Update the vuepress config.js to fix #3395 #3445
  • @tilalx: upgrade docs to vuepress v2.0.0-rc and implement dark mode #3395
  • @stevecrozz: Make auto-renew use built-in renew function #3392
  • @existful: certbot-dns-cloudns update 0.6.0 #3459
  • @iBobik: Removed /etc/letsencrypt from explicit volumes #3258

Docker images


8 months ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.4
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Add DNS to DNS challenges (thanks @deftdawg)
  • Prevent excessive disk writes by only adding frontend service when in development (thanks @6twenty)
  • update year 2022 -> 2023 in footer (thanks @lug-gh)
  • Fix device or resource busy when patching IPv6 settings (thanks @xrh0905)
  • Add support for nginx 444 default response (thanks @wrouesnel)
  • Fix for ignored ssl_protocols and ssl_ciphers directive (thanks @nietzscheanic)
  • Add to certbot dns plugins (thanks @FlixMa)
  • Corrected docker-compose.yml in docs (thanks @andycandy-de)
  • drop --user on pip install dns plugin (thanks @wolviex and everyone who tested it)
  • Updated dependencies

Docker images


11 months ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.3
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Improved startup scripts, hopefully prevent failure on startup for more systems
  • Updated s6-overlay
  • Fix for certbot plugin install problems with new pip version

Docker images


1 year ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.2
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Partial revert of user/group changes, allows processes to run as root (pre 2.10 behaviour) while keeping support for PUID/PGID env vars to run processes and file ownership as a defined user/group. On some systems, non-root user can't open privileged ports.

Docker images


1 year ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.1
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Fixes services not starting on some platforms due to changing ownership of files at startup

Docker images


1 year ago

⚠️ This release has changes that may adversely affect you, please pin your docker tag to the previous release 2.9.22 and upgrade after you conduct a full backup.

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.0
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


Adds support to run processes as a user/group, defined with PUID and PGID environment variables

  • Detects if image is run with a user in docker command and fails if so
  • Adds s6 prepare scripts for adding a 'npmuser'
  • Split up and refactor the s6 prepare scripts
  • Runs nginx and backend node as 'npmuser'
  • Changes ownership of files required at startup

Refactor configuration

  • No longer use config npm package
  • Prefer config from env vars, though still has support for config file
  • No longer writes a config file for database config
  • Writes keys to a new file in /data folder
  • Removes a lot of cruft and improves config understanding

Docker images


1 year ago

⚠️ The next release v2.10.0 will have changes that may adversely affect you, please pin your docker tag to 2.9.22 and upgrade after you conduct a full backup.

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.22
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Fixes using docker secrets, causing some database connection failures

Docker images

⚠️ For future stability, please consider using 2.9.22 tag and following releases for this project using the "Watch" menu top right of this screen.


1 year ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.21
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Fixes access lists generation broken from v2.9.20
  • Update dns template (thanks @tarkh and @dormancygrace)
  • Other significant updates:
    • s6-overlay
    • objection
    • liquidjs
    • sqlite3

Docker images

For future stability, please consider using 2.9.21 tag and following releases for this project using the "Watch" menu top right of this screen.


1 year ago

Important: Back up your entire instance before using this new version! As with any new version, there may be breaking changes.

  1. Bring your docker instance down
  2. Zip or copy your data and letsencrypt folders
  3. Pull this new image jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.20
  4. Bring up your docker stack and check for any problems in the logs
  5. Renew your DNS certs
  6. Check some or all of your hosts for expected behaviour


  • Workaround for cloudflare plugin install, fixes #2381
  • Fix cerbot plugin installation issues (thanks @i-strelnikov)
  • Load events configuration from custom file (thanks @BitsOfAByte)
  • Update certbot desec plugin, fixes #2485 (thanks @LEDfan)
  • Add Online ( DNS provider (thanks @gromez)
  • ACL changes should not blow away cert config, fixes #2254 (thanks @jmerdich)
  • Use ssl_reject_handshake to reject requests to default https site (thanks @TheBeeZee)
  • Mitigate CVE-2023-23596 by changing child_process.exec to child_process.execFile, fixes #2600 #2063 (thanks @skarlcf)
  • Make sure to lowercase email address entered by the user during login (thanks @jlesage)
  • Update certbot-dns-ionos plugin (thanks @campingwoelfe)
  • Add Google Domains DNS provider (thanks @ ttocsr)
  • Lots of outstanding dependabot updates
  • Updates openssl and other packages from the base image, fixes #2602
  • Added cert-prune command to container, see below


I've been using my own project for years and only recently found that certbot keeps old certificates on file. My letsencrypt folder was over 150mb :/ So @axllent has created this small piece of software and I've used it myself to reduce the size dramatically. I recommend backing up your letsencrypt folder prior to using it.

To use it in this project you'll have to run the command manually at your leisure:

docker exec -ti yourdockercontainer cert-prune
# or
docker-compose exec npm cert-prune
# or
docker compose exec npm cert-prune

Docker images

For future stability, please consider using 2.9.20 tag and following releases for this project using the "Watch" menu top right of this screen.