NFT Projects Overview Save Abandoned

These are my recent ⛓Blockchain⛓ projects including NFT ⛏minting, 💱staking, 👨‍👩‍👦evolution/breeding, raffle/auction, Marketplace, Launchpad and 🎲P2E💲💰... based on Solana, Ethereum, BSC, Aurora, Avalanche and so on.

Project README

Blockchain Projects on EVM(Ethereum, Binance, Avalanche, Polygon, Aurora), Solana, Cardano, and so on.

As you can see here, I have built several NFT/Blockchain projects including minting, staking, evolution/breeding features, raffle/auction houses, Launchpad, Marketplace, and P2E games(dice, crash, jackpot, coinflip, slot, etc). All of repos are under private status.

Meegos NFT Marketplace  (Solana)

This is NFT marketplace project,collection of 10,000 characters carefully handcrafted with distinct personalities and emotions.

You've encountered cute characters before. You've also come across badass characters. But the Meegos? You will not stop adoring their delightful blend of mischief and badassery.

Our goal was to create characters who aren't striving to be cute or demanding your affection, yet you'll love them anyway. I attended this project as fullstack developer and I used Next.js and Wagmi for this.

Cardano Solt Game  (Cardano)

This is web3 Play-To-Earn Game (slot) based on Cardano blockchain network.

Users can enjoy this game using various Cardano tokens like ADA cardano native token and other Cardano tokens. Greetings, space explorers of NEBULA! We're excited to announce that we've launched a brand new VIP area on the NEBULA site, designed exclusively for our dedicated members who are passionate about the wonders of the universe.

Attended this project as a fullstack blockchain developer.

Rafldex  (Ethereum)

This is raffle project has single & multi raffles on Ethereum network.

Rafldex is revolutionizing the world of raffles by providing a unique blend of official centralized draws and personalized, user-generated raffles. With our state-of-the-art booking system, Rafldex empowers users to create their own NFT raffles, offering a novel approach to liquidity that goes beyond the traditional WETH-based NFT market model.

This platform taps into the power of decentralization, taking advantage of the blockchain's transparency and reliability to ensure fair and trustless raffle processes. By utilizing blockchain technology (chain link's randomiser), we grant power back to the users, providing an open, democratic platform where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Rafldex is more than just a raffle platform - it's a hub for cross-community integration, a melting pot for diverse NFT communities to interact, share, and grow together. This vibrant ecosystem encourages engagement and fosters a super NFT community that breaks down the boundaries of individual projects.

I attended this project as front-end/web3 developer and I used Next.js and Wagmi for this.

Monopoly  (Solana)

This is a decentralised and multiplayer board-game called Monopoly on the Solana blockchain.

Users must get $Java to play and roll the dice. And users can stake/unstake NFTs are called as CnC(Coffe and Crypto). I attended this project and wrote smart contract and supported on back-end/front-end integration sides.

Adaki Dashboard  (Cardano)

Adaki Dashboard

This is Adaki Dashboard on Cardano network:

Adaki is a web3 brand and NFT platform built on the Cardano Blockchain. Our name is derived from ADA (the currency of the Cardano Blockchain) and KI, which means "energy" in Japanese. We aim to bring creative energy to the world of blockchain technology and build a community of passionate individuals who share our vision.

Adaki Website

Degen Taxi  (Solana)

This is one kind of Sol Crash game. 🚕 Instead of that, the transparent is Taxi. 😜.

Degen Taxi proves that the odds are as advertised (5% house edge) and that the rolls are predetermined and cannot react to how players bet. For more detailed information on the concept of 'Provably Fair' you can always check here. This project includes 3 parts, smart contract, back-end, and front-end integration.

Deezkits CoinFlip  (Solana)

This is coin-flip game on solana network. Payment is Sol and users can put their amount in this game. If he is winner, he can get twice of given amount, if not, he will lose his amount. This project includes smart contract, back-end, and front-end integration.

Plunder The Void Mint Site  (Avalanche)

This is mint website on avalanche network. I used Solidity(ERC 721) to write smart contract and Node/Express, MongoDB to make leaderboard page, and Next.js in front-end side. Mint supply is 500 NFTs.

Burning Masked Ape Dao  (Solana)

This is burning mechanism to burn NFTs have no metadata in Masked Ape collection. Max burn per wallet per day would be 1 burn to prevent whales easily hoarding MAD tokens by burning blank NFTs.

BASC NFT Staking  (Solana)

A member will have 3 options to choose from for staking: (1) stake a Baby Ape, (2) stake a Baby Tiger and (3) stake a matching pair. The details on the amount of $DAB that is earned along with any multiplier bonus are outlined below.

  • Demo: BASC NFT Staking
  • Live Link: BASC NFT Staking
    • Functionality
      • Stake / Unstake All NFTs - for each tab, Matching Pairs, Pairs, Individual
      • Claim All Rewards - if these have to be separated by individual staked vs. pairs staked that is ok
    • Rarity Multiplier
      • Baby Ape
        • Rank < 13 = 100 $DAB/day
        • Rank < 1,000 = 15 $DAB/day
        • Rank >= 1,000 = 10 $DAB/day
      • Baby Tiger
        • Rank < 13 = 20 $DAB/day
        • Rank < 1,000 = 3 $DAB/day
        • Rank >= 1,000 = 2 $DAB/day
    • Pair Multiplier
      • Matching Baby Ape + Baby Tiger
        • 25% bonus on the sum of the rarity multiplier.
  • Magic Eden: Buy BASC
  • Offical Links: BASC (Baby Ape Social Club)
  • Github Repo: BASC-NFT-Staking

Astronaut NFT Staking -> YAKU Hub  (Solana)

Multiple Factor Rewards Staking program for 👩🏿‍🚀Astronaut/YAKU👨🏿‍🚀 NFT collections.

  • Demo: Astronaut Staking
  • Live: cosmicastro NFT Staking  Moved here: Yaku Staking
    • Model 1:
      • If you claim before 15 days, you will receive 75% and after 15 days, will receive 100%.
        • Adventurer: 20 $coin a day
        • Scientist: 25 $coin a day
        • Doctor: 30 coin a day
        • Mission Specialist: 35 $coin a day
        • Commander: 40 $coin a day
    • Model 2
      • Rewards are paid daily and they are the same for all NFTS, so x $coin a day for everything
    • Model 3
      • 7 days x $coin, 14 days 1.5x $coin, 30 days+ 2x $coin
  • Official Links:
  • Github repo: Astronaut-NFT-Staking-death

Kingdom of Dwarves - Staking  (Solana)

Multiple Factor Rewards Staking program for Kingdom of Dwarves NFT collections

FLWR Token Staking  (Solana)

Staking an SPL token "FLWR"

SOL Flowers | Raffle  (Solana)

This is the raffle project that winners can receive the raffle NFT by buying tickets. You can buy tickets by $Sol and various tokens($FLWR, $SHDW, $DUST, $BOLT).

EU(Eternal Underworld) Raffle  (Solana)

This is the raffle project that winners can receive the raffle NFT or winners can buy NFTs by half price by buying tickets. You can buy tickets by using 🍂$REAP and $SOL.

MetaKongz Raffle  (Solana)

This is the raffle project that winners can receive the raffle NFT or winners can buy NFTs by half price by buying tickets. You can buy tickets by using 🦴$BOOGA, 🍭$ZION, and $SOL.

Apex Raffle House  (Solana)

This is the raffle project that winners can receive the raffle NFT or winners can buy NFTs by half price by buying tickets. You can buy tickets by using $PREY and $SOL.

Mausoleum  (Solana)

This is raffle/auction houses of tombstoned application on Solana network.

Arena Launchpad  (Cronos-EVM)

Nifty Nanas.
Nanas is a deflationary community project of the cutest Nanas on the Solana blockchain!
This has Astronana and CoinFlip as well as Cro and Sol version for minting, staking, and launchpad.
Now we are adding more features for Nanas.

Wild West Verse - Staking  (Solana)

  • Staking Link: WWV Staking
      • 1500-2000 / 1 WWV,
      • 1000-1499 / 1.5$WWV,
      • 600-999 / 2WWV,
      • 300-599 / 2.5 WWV,
      • 200-299 / 3WWV,
      • 51-199 / 4 WWV,
      • 1-50 / 5 WWV
    • If your NFT is rarer you will get more staking reward.
    • Whenever you want. But keep in mind that you won't be able to get any more staking income.
  • Original Link: Wild West Verse
  • Github repo: WWV-NFT-Staking

TAC NFT Staking  (Aurora-EVM)

This is the traditional NFT staking project. Users stake their TAC NFTs and receive 🍌$GBA token.

IconGirl  (Ethereum)

IconFashion is a women led Web3 project with 10,000 hand drawn, composable fashion NFTs. We celebrate women in the fashion and crypto space with special dress up experience, simulating a fashion styling game in the metaverse. In here, every woman can create their own iconic looks and rare outfits. Remeber, everyone can be a fashion icon!

Now I am working on this project and we are releasing this in Apirl.

97 Universe Minting Page  (Solana)

  • Link: 97 Universe
  • Live Link: The 97 Universe - StreamFi
  • What is 97 Universe ?
    • 497 AI-androids called “97s” were created to compete with some of the greatest athletes on Earth. 97s were so good that humans no longer saw a reason to compete. After boredom struck, the 97s decided to leave Earth and test their skills against the universe. They built a space stadium where challengers from all over the galaxy can compete. Remaining undefeated the 97s decided to claim the universe, calling it “The 97 Universe”.
  • Whitepaper: Gitbook
  • Github repo: Universe97

Sol Spacemen  (Solana)

  • Link: Sol Spacemen
  • Earth is quickly becoming uninhabitable and we need to begin deployment of the materials and resources needed to start construction in the Solanaverse
  • $PARTS token: $PARTS token
  • You can find me at Team member page name is Venture as Dev, Tokenomics and Integration's here
  • Git repo: Space Parts
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "NFT Projects Overview" Project. README Source: blacksaru/NFT-Projects-Overview
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