Nextjs Semantic Save

Next.js + Fomantic-UI + Styled Components

Project README



Since version 2.0.0 (of this package), Semantic UI was replaced by Fomantic-UI.

Current Versions

  • Next.js 12
  • React 17
  • Fomantic-UI 2.8
  • Styled Components 5.3


  1. clone repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm run semantic:build
  4. npm run dev

Semantic UI React

Semantic UI

  • you can remove components to reduce css size on semantic.json
  • .semantic folder includes source file, from here it's possible to customize default theme
  • change default Google font (Lato) on .semantic/src/themes/default/globals/site.variables
  • run npm run semantic:watch to watch for changes while customizing theme

Why switching to Fomantic-UI?

Here are some reasons for the change:

  • Semantic UI requires Node 10
  • Fomantic-UI is actively developed
  • Adds more components
  • Fixes several security vulnerabilities

If you still want to use Semantic UI, get release 1.1.0

Deploy with Vercel

Deploy with Vercel

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Nextjs Semantic" Project. README Source: skydiver/nextjs-semantic

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