Nexe Versions Save

🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps


6 years ago

Nexe V3 release assets


8 years ago

Fixed a magnitude of bugs in the past 6 releases.

  • nexe now searches up to 4 top level directories for browserify, fixing most dependency issues.
  • nexe can now hard code v8 flags with nexe.compile and the package.json method.
  • nexe now can understand a few various errors, and explain them.
  • Much more verbose logs for future issues
  • v8 flags works for 0.12.0 and 5.5.0 confirmed. Most should work as well.


8 years ago

This release should fix various issues.

Among the tested is:

  • express
  • js-yaml (in some cases)

We also now use Semantic Versioning


8 years ago


  • Untracked issue where running nexe twice or more times with --flags being true would cause to be broken in the src tree.


  • Code style fixes
  • Changed project owner to myself.
  • Moved @crcn to contributors field in package.json