NewOCR Versions Save

A custom OCR library in pure Java made as a replacement for MS Paint IDE's OCR


5 years ago

Changed how a large portion of the OCR works, with significant API changes, much faster speeds, multiple fonts, travis integration, and more. This release is SNAPSHOT because it may have small bug fixes and API changes as it is developed with MS Paint IDE in the next following months.


5 years ago

Added full Java 11 support, and also made fairly significant speed increases from replacing the default method with a custom one to more efficiently read images.


5 years ago

Fixed some severe bugs, along with adding various methods to clean up the code, and optimized several things.


5 years ago

This release provides insane (up to 13x in my testing) performance boosts using HSQLDB instead of MySQL (You can choose which one to use), along with some bug fixes. Also moved around some packages, so anyone using this will need to change some imports around.


5 years ago

Improved some code, and added some API methods used in MS Paint IDE.


5 years ago

Mainly bug fixes to make things run smoother (I know this is several days late, whatever)


5 years ago

Everything works, and can alternatively be gotten via Gradle/Maven: