Neat Form Versions Save

Build form on Android using JSON schema; also includes view validation and skip logic.


3 years ago

[1.1.4] - 2020-12-06


  • Optimized code
  • Updated dependencies
  • Changed the UI design for displaying error on labeled widgets


3 years ago

[1.1.3] - 2020-09-27


  • #104 Functionality for styling some widgets like datepicker, checkbox and edittext.
  • Attribute called background on edit_text type to change the background drawable



  • Breaking changes on Utility Classes. All the utility functions have been converted to relevant Kotlin Extensions and migrated to any of the following classes NFormExtensions or AndroidExtensions


3 years ago

[1.1.2] - 2020-06-25


  • #97 Functionality for defining minimum and maximum date on datepicker.


3 years ago

[1.1.1] - 2020-06-03


  • Memory leaks
  • Optimized code - replaced singelon classes with Kotlin object
  • TypeCastException when creating views (Form builder would fail to build the form with the existence of unregistered views on the JSON)


4 years ago

[1.1.0] - 2020-05-28


  • #75 Functionality for building a pre-filled form.
  • #6 Implementation of Toast Notifications
  • Support for input type for EditText view


  • Breaking changes on building form. Introduced 2 classes JsonFormEmbedded and JsonFormStepper. The former is used when you want to embed a form into an existing layout. Whereas the latter uses the Stepper library. Both classes accept the FormBuilder in their constructors.
  • buildForm function has been moved to the 2 introduced classes form the FormBuilder


  • Removed the singleton instance of RulesFactory - now instantiated in the FormBuilder and only accessible from it
  • Removed the singleton instance of NeatFormValidator also instantiated in the FormBuilder class
  • ViewDispatcher class now accepts the RulesFactory class as a constructor parameter and is also instantiated in the FormBuilder.
  • ViewDispatcher parameter of the com.nerdstone.neatformcore.utils.ViewUtils#createViews was replaced with the FormBuilder which is then cascaded down to the other methods invoked inside it.


  • #91 Rules engine bug (Form builder holding reference to one instance of the RulesFactory class in the entire application.


4 years ago

[1.0.12] - 2020-04-02

Whats new

  • Calculations - You can now add complex calculations on fields and have other fields watch for changes on these calculations.

  • Override views - You can now override views just before building the forms. This is handy when you need to extend the provided views provided by neat form out of the box and still leverage the features provided by the library.

  • This release has implementation of views, skip logic on forms and handling of calculations