Near Lossless Binarization Save

This repository contains source code to binarize any real-value word embeddings into binary vectors.

Project README
             Near-lossless Binarization of Word Embeddings


This work  is  one  of  my  contributions  of  my  PhD  thesis  entitled
"Improving methods to learn word representations for efficient  semantic
similarities computations" in which  I  propose  new  methods  to  learn
better word embeddings. You can find and read my thesis freely available


This repository contains source code to  binarize  any  real-value  word
embeddings into binary  vectors.   It  also  contains  some  scripts  to
evaluate the performances of the binary vectors on  semantic  similarity
tasks  and   top-k   queries.    Related   paper   can   be   found   at

If you use this repository, please cite:

  author    = {Tissier, Julien and Gravier, Christophe and Habrard, Amaury},
  title     = {Near-Lossless Binarization of Word Embeddings},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Third {AAAI} Conference on
               Artificial Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
               January 27 - February 1, 2019.},
  volume    = {33},
  pages     = {7104--7111},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1609/aaai.v33i01.33017104}


To compile the source files of this repository, you need to have on your
  - OpenBLAS [1]
  - a C compiler (gcc, clang ...)
  - make

Then run the command `make` to build the different  binary  executables.



1. Binarize word vectors
Run the executable `binarize` to transform  real-value  embeddings  into
binary vectors.  The only mandatory command line argument  is  `-input`,
the filename containing the real-value vectors.

./binarize -input vectors.vec

All  the  other  existing  flags  documentation  can   be   found   with
`./binarize -h` or `./binarize --help`

Binary vectors are saved by default into the file  `binary_vectors.vec`.
The first line of this file indicates the number of binary word  vectors
and the number of bits in each vector. Each following line are formatted


Binary vectors are not saved as strings of zeros (0) and ones (1) but as
groups of unsigned long integers. Each integer represents 64 bits so for
a binary vector of 256 bits, there are 4 integers (4 * 64 =  256).   The
binary  vector  of  a  word  is  the   concatenation   of   the   binary
representations  of  all  the  integers  on  the  rest  of   its   line.

2. Evaluate semantic similarity
Run  the  executable  `similarity_binary`  to  evaluate   the   semantic
similarity  correlation  scores  of   the   produced   binary   vectors.

./similarity_binary binary_vectors.vec

This repository includes some semantic similarity datasets:
  - MEN
  - Rare Word (RW)
  - SimVerb 3500 (SimVerb)
  - SimLex 999 (SimLex)
  - WordSim 353 (WS353)
To evaluate on other semantic similarity datasets, simply add them  into
the datasets/ folder and run again the `./similarity_binary` executable.

3. Top-K queries
Run the executable `topk_binary` to  compute  the  K  closest  neighbors
words   and   their   respective   similarity   to   a    QUERY    word.

./topk_binary binary_vectors.vec K QUERY

The script will report the closest words and their similarity,  as  well
as the time needed to compute the K closest neighbors.  You can also run
multiple top-k queries at the same time, simply replace the  QUERY  word
with a list of space separated words, like:

./topk_binary binary_vectors.vec 10 queen automobile man moon computer


Written  by  Julien  Tissier  <[email protected]>.


This software is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.  See the  LICENSE
file for more details.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Near Lossless Binarization" Project. README Source: tca19/near-lossless-binarization

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