Navigation With Animated Transitions Using Jetpack Compose Versions Save

DEPRECATED - Demonstates how to create animated transitions to and from screens using Jetpack Compose.


2 years ago

Note: This version is now using the official release of Jetpack Compose 1.0.0 and was compiled using Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1. The Canary builds are becoming too unstable at this point to continue supporting them. The Arctic Fox version also has a major bug. You cannot set the minSdkVersion to 21. The app will crash upon start. This bug has been documented with Google and they have acknowledged it. The minSdkVersion needs to be set to 24+ as a temporary solution.


2 years ago

A screenIsClosing parameter was added to each screen handler and is used to inform the screen when it is being closed.


2 years ago


2 years ago

In addition to upgrading to the latest canary version of Android Studio along with updates to the latest library dependencies, the Chris Banes Coil dependency was replaced with Google's ( The navigation library hasn't changed in this version.


3 years ago

Replaced navigateBackImmediately with onNavigateBack to support more options on navigating back. Added support for caching screens.


3 years ago

Added feature to uniquely identify an item in the navigation stack.Added an optional id parameter to navigateTo function to uniquely identify an item in the navigation stack. Added the getNavInfoById to retrieve the navigation stack item by its id.


3 years ago

A button was added to the Dummy screen to let you terminate the activity. If you then restart the activity, you'll notice that the screen state has been maintained.


3 years ago

Added NavigationManagerHelper interface to allow callbacks to viewmodels. Bugfix for crashes due to large navigation drawer image.


3 years ago


3 years ago