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Make any web page a desktop application


8 months ago

What's Changed


Full Changelog:


8 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


8 months ago

What's Changed


Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago
  • Windows: Fix "Maximize window visual glitch" (fix #1447) (PR #1448)
  • External URL protocols: add zoommtg as no-confirmation (PR #1463)
  • MS Teams CSS inject (PR #1469), WhatsApp native macOS look CSS (PR #1468)
  • Bump default Electron from 19.0.17 to 19.1.4, with security fixes
  • Upgrade CLI & App dependencies
  • CI: test on 12 and 19, now that 19 is out


1 year ago

[BREAKING] Block some external URLs from opening outside of Nativefier (fix #1459) This is a security fix, all users are encouraged to upgrade.

This will, for security, block loading 2 kinds of external (out of Nativefier) URLs: One: using dubious URL schemes, two: including nasty characters. Blocking URLs will be accompanied by a window explaining what's going on, and linking to a discussion thread where you can report false positives. Hopefully not BREAKING much (the behavior should now be aligned with what browsers do), but web weirdness happens. Shout and we'll tweak.



1 year ago
  • Bump default Electron to 19.0.14 (from .10), with security fixes. Changelogs: .11, .12, .13, .14.
  • macOS: Move handling of "Universal" apps to electron-packager instead of our own thing (PR #1443 @TheCleric)
  • Upgrade cli+app dependencies


1 year ago

[BREAKING] 49.0.0 doesn't have more breaking changes than 48.0.0, but I'm releasing a new major release anyway to signal one particularly noteworthy breaking change in Electron 19 that I failed to pass along to you in 48.0.0: The ia32 arch (a.k.a. i386 or x86/32bit) is no longer supported.

People still running Nativefier apps on old ia32 machines, feel free to keep using Nativefier <= 48.0.0, passing a flag --electron-version 18.x.y, but be aware you're on your own, with no new Electron security patches! Starting with 49.0.0, it's no longer possible to build ia32 apps. Please don't report issues about it, the deprecation is an upstream Electron/Chromium decision, and there's nothing we will do about it. Thx @TheCleric for the catch.


  • macOS: Fix "main window cannot be activated" (fix #1415, PR #1417) @spywhere
  • Bump default Electron from 19.0.9 to 19.0.10
  • Fix loud axios "fetch" warning ( @TheCleric
  • Fix playwright tests on Linux (#1440) @TheCleric
  • Docker: upgraded base node-alpine image from 12 to LTS (currently 16)


1 year ago

[BREAKING] Bump default Electron to 19.0.9 (from 18.3.5), with Chrome 102

As usual, we did our best to adapt to Electron breaking changes, but patches welcome to fix regressions. If unable to submit a patch, feel free to revert to Nativefier 47.2.1, or pass -e 18.3.5 for a temporary downgrade (it will work for a while, but not forever).

Official release notes: Detailed release notes: 19.0.0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9

Also in this release,

  • add a recipe to use buttons on Notion (PR #1430)
  • GitHub Issues: switch from "Issue templates" to new & better "Issue forms" (fix #1258, PR #1425)
  • Maintenance: upgrade dependencies, fix PlayWright tests