Natario1 Autocomplete Versions Save

Simple yet powerful autocomplete behavior for EditTexts, to avoid working with MultiAutoCompleteTextView APIs.


6 years ago

Any view returned by Presenters that has height = 0 after being measured, will be interpreted as a 'dismiss popup'. This can have side effects if you perform asynchronous loading and your adapter returns 0 items at first.

To avoid this, you can give the root view some minHeight, some vertical padding, or (better) have your adapter return an item (for empty or loading states). Note that you will show an empty popup even when you actually have no data, so you should take care of this.

Fixed a configuration change crash.


6 years ago
  • Updated dependencies
  • Cancel the popup when height is 0
  • Expose setInputMethodType and setSoftInputType


6 years ago

Support for Android Oreo, updated dependencies.


7 years ago

Fixes a bug with RecyclerViewPresenter not updating its dimensions on dataset changes. This was causing the popup not to be shown with the default popup dimensions.