Nameko Examples Grpc Save

Examples of Nameko gRPC Extensions

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Nameko gRPC Examples

This repository contains updated Nameko Examples that demonstrate usage of nameko-grpc library.


gRPC is a "A high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework" and a great tool when building modern Microservices Architectures.

Our example will demonstrate cross platform integration between NodeJS service exposing GraphQL API which will consume data from Nameko Services exposing gRPC APIs.

High level architecture overview of our examples:

Nameko gRPC examples

We've got:

  • Gateway - NodeJS Service with GraphQL API.
  • Orders - Python Nameko Service with gRPC API and PostgreSQL as its data store. This service will also publish order_created event.
  • Products - Python Nameko Service with gRPC API and Redis as its data store. This service will also consume order_created event.

GraphQL Schema

Nameko gRPC examples Gateway NodeJS service exposes simple schema for our API


For running examples locally we highly recommend setting up python virtual environment first.

Examples have only been tested with Python 3.7 and NodeJS v10.15

Install Dependencies

Once you're in context of your virtual environment you can install dependencies by running install-dependencies make target:

$ make install-dependencies

This will install both Python and NodeJS dependencies.

Running Examples

To run and develop examples locally nodemon nodejs utility has to be installed globally:

$ sudo npm install -g nodemon --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

Start examples by running develop make target:

$ make develop

All 3 services should be up and running now.

Sample Queries

GraphQL Playground utility has also started and can be accessed on http://localhost:4000/playground url.

Nameko gRPC examples

Once there click PRETTIFY button on each tab to enable query selection. You can execute queries in this order:

  • Products Tab
    • CreateProduct
    • GetProduct
  • Orders Tab
    • CreateOrder
    • GetOrder

Kubernetes Integration

Kubernetes charts are included and Docker Images for all 3 services have been build and are available to be pulled form Docker Hub.

Set your desired kubernetes CONTEXT and NAMESPACE on top of main Makefile before running examples below.

Run deploy-dependencies make target to install RabbitMQ, Redis and PostgreSQL:

$ make deploy-dependencies

Run deploy-services make target to deploy Gateway, Products and Orders services to your desired namespace:

$ make deploy-services

Once everything is deployed and you verified pods are successfully running, use Telepresence tool to easily access resources inside of your cluster.
Run telepresence make target to start a new session

$ make telepresence

Now you should be able to navigate to http://gateway/playground to play with the examples.

Building Docker Images

When building docker images you can easily push them to your own Docker Hub Org by overriding default value of DOCKER_HUB_ORG:

$ DOCKER_HUB_ORG=my_org make build-images push-images deploy-services
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Nameko Examples Grpc" Project. README Source: nameko/nameko-examples-grpc
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5 years ago

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