Ali Versions Save

Generate HTTP load and plot the results in real-time


2 years ago

This minor release contains a tiny bug fix.


c0aa677 Update gorelease to ignore building windows/arm64 0d0b477 Merge pull request #119 from nakabonne/bump-termdash e5761c9 Update go.mod

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7.5
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7


2 years ago

ali v0.7.3 is a patch release with a couple of bug fixes (thanks @fedorlitau!)


22d6aed Stop specifing binary names a6c790a Update installation instructions 7aa0ece Merge pull request #115 from fedorlitau/fix-racecondition-map c31e169 Fix race contition in drawer.redrawMetrics() (fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write) 997f655 Merge pull request #114 from xsteadfastx/patch-1 2170500 adds readme instruction for alpine linux 741e560 Bump tstorage from v0.2.0 to v0.2.2 (#113) 422a522 Merge pull request #109 from xsteadfastx/uint64-fix f770180 moves uint64 on struct top 3f74a81 Fix insecure generation of random numbers (#108) 78c80a0 Bump tstorage from v0.1.2 to v0.2.0

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7.3
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7


2 years ago

ali v0.7.2 is a patch release with a single bugfix. The previous release contains a fatal bug on Windows so temporality stopped supporting Windows. From this version, ali for Windows is available again.


910942e Bump tstorage from v0.1.1 to v0.1.2

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7.2
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7


2 years ago

ali v0.7.0 is here! 🎉 This release contains mostly significant memory performance improvements, also it still packs a few new options and improvements that users have been requesting for a long time.

Significant memory performance improvements (

We had been facing a problem of increasing heap consumption over time as it's a load testing tool that aims to perform real-time analysis. This release massively optimized data points ingestion by adding the specific time-series data storage layer, backed by nakabonne/tstorage.

The following screenshots illustrate how much it has helped improve its performance.


ali-v0 6 1-memory-benchmark


ali-v0 7 0-memory-benchmark

We can see that the heap usage no longer increases over time. These metrics are measured and drawn by nakabonne/gosivy

Capability to specify the query range

The --query-range option is now available. Before this version Ali plots all data points on the chart. Now you can specify how many data points it draws. Defaults to 30s.

Add support for --redraw-interval (#106)

The --redraw-interval option is now available. If you're running into a high CPU usage problem, it's for you!


80829a1 Exclude build step for Windows (#107) d3e563b Limit redraw interval to greater than 100ms c3cd8ae Bump tstorage to v0.1.0 13f44c8 Flush data points out of query range to prevent using heap more than need d517ba7 Make redraw interval changeable (#106) e3f49a4 Add storage layer to handle time-series data (#105)

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7.0
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.7


2 years ago

Notable changes

This version includes two main changes. Both are implemented by @boggyhole. Thank you!

Do not split --header flag into multiple values

Multiple header fields in one pair is now available.

ali --header "key1:value1,key2:value2"

This supports the format mentioned in RFC 2616.

Please note this is a breaking change. Before this version, you can pass headers like:

ali -H "key1:value1,key2:value2"

From now, you should:

ali -H "key1:value1" -H "key2:value2"

Add tls config options #104

New four options insecure, cacert, cert, and key are now available. For more details, see -h.

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.6.1
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.6


3 years ago

ali v0.5.4 is a minor release with tiny bug fixes and a new option.

Support --resolvers option

Added an option which specifies the list of custom DNS resolver addresses (comma-separated list)


e7108d2 Update installation instructions 057c16c Merge pull request #87 from matsuyoshi30/feature/add-dns-resolver 8b2ea13 Add test for resolver f712d6b Add error test case a01027f Add setting new resolver 0109868 Fix linter points a715d46 Add test af2ae17 Add new flag option for resolvers 04b67c9 Merge pull request #86 from shubham14bajpai/progressbar 7e4921b addressed review comments fcc5a64 Fix Progress gauge to reach 100% d35729b Add examples section

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5.4
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5


3 years ago

ali v0.5.3 is a minor release with tiny bug fixes.


6101998 Update installation instructions 8663225 Merge pull request #83 from shubham14bajpai/statuscodes e138f7e Re-enable infinite attack (#84) c9f6ebc Fix out of order status codes in gui

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5.3
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5


3 years ago

ali v0.5.2 is a minor release with performance improvements.

Notable changes

You can now also quit with the q instead of Ctrl-C.


6abc270 Update installation instructions 7660e9d Use buffered channel for appending chart values (#79) a30c166 Enable to quit with 'q' abaaf8f Get rid of unneeded article a90350d Update installation instructions

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5.2
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5


3 years ago

ali v0.5.1 is a minor release with a few bug fixes and significant performance improvements.


1329145 Make sure to draw the chart on a regular basis (#77) 5f69f52 Enable race detector (#76)

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5.1
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5


3 years ago

ali v0.5.0 is here!! 🎉

Percentiles chart is now available (


Thanks to @brenol made it capable of seeing how the 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles are changing. Just press l (or h) to switch the displayed chart.

Bugs fixed!

An issue that could cause a data race depending on when you press Enter has been resolved.


2711e42 Add charts section to docs (#72) 5495eed Add switch navi 9fc2691 Change the color scheme of percentile labels c1e4be6 Merge branch 'master' of 793a590 Merge pull request #71 from brenol/fix-percentiles-chart-navigation 0dac96f Disable buckets option 479f017 fix navigation d259d7c Merge pull request #2 from nakabonne/master 60eba11 Merge pull request #66 from brenol/percentiles-chart cc7c887 use ubers atomic pkg instead 55a02ea fix found data races e7c22da add the possibility to move forward (with L & l) and backwards (with H & h) dc848df Merge pull request #68 from rzkmak/feat/histogram-buckets d2e2724 fix: message error and bucket help information 2d5bc7a add missing error handling 970c7fd fix: test failing b0a9d0e lint: preallocate var bucket temp e0870bd chore: update readme with buckets option fd2f4eb feat: add bucket histogram option

Docker images

  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:latest
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5.0
  • docker pull nakabonne/ali:v0.5