MVICore Versions Save

MVI framework with events, time-travel, and more


1 year ago

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Full Changelog:


1 year ago

(#138): Fixed regression related to BaseFeature actor.

The Actor subject was made serializable, and was also using a flatMap. Both of these changes caused a change in behaviour relating to the ordering of news (in features that have a PostProcessor which triggers extra actions). This change was made as part of introducing the optional FeatureScheduler to BaseFeature.

If you provide a FeatureScheduler and use a PostProcessor, please be aware that the ordering of your news could change.

The previous news ordering behaviour is actually a bug in BaseFeature caused by recursion, and will hopefully be addressed (as an opt in change) in a future release.


1 year ago

(#147): Introduced 'async' feature which is moves work to a dedicated single-threaded feature scheduler, while being observable on the observation scheduler

(#148): Updated mockito-kotlin library.

(#150): Fixed Bootstrapper variance.

(#150): Minor improvements to the new 'async' feature.

(#158): Introduced an optional FeatureScheduler which can be used with non-async features. This is useful when a feature is instantiated on a thread other than the thread it should be bound to (for example the UI thread).

When providing a FeatureScheduler, the feature is able to correctly switch to its desired thread rather than throwing an exception.

(#160): Changed to Java 8 compatibility

(#161): Improved the error message thrown by SameThreadVerifier. It now includes the feature's class name and the thread names.