Moqui HiveMind Versions Save

HiveMind is a project management and ERP application for services organizations. It features project/task management, request tracking, time tracking, expenses, invoices/payments, general ledger, and content management (wiki). HiveMind is based on Moqui Framework, Mantle Business Artifacts, and Simple Screens.


2 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.5.0 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

There are only minor changes and fixes in this release. For a complete list of changes see:

Most changes come from screens reused from SimpleScreens.

NOTE: the HiveMind PM application remains as a good option to act as a worker portal for people who do not need administrative access; for administrative purposes, or for those who will have access to other more general functionality, the new Marble ERP with project functionality along with general ERP functionality may be a better option.

The HiveMind-1.5.0.war file is a pre-built distribution with no data and no built in ElasticSearch so requires an external ElasticSearch server and preferably an external database (otherwise H2 is used and data loss on redeploy is likely). To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). You can also run it with 'java -jar HiveMind-1.5.0.war' but be aware that this will use a temporary directory for database files, etc that will be deleted on exit.

There is a Docker image similar to the WAR file available here:


4 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.4.2 is a patch level new feature and bug fix release.

There are only minor changes and fixes in this release. For a complete list of changes see:

Most changes come from screens reused from SimpleScreens.

The HiveMind-1.4.2.war file is a pre-built all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). You can also run it with 'java -jar HiveMind-1.4.2.war' but be aware that this will use a temporary directory for database files, etc that will be deleted on exit.

There is a Docker image similar to the WAR file available here:


4 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.4.1 is a patch level new feature and bug fix release.

There are only minor changes and fixes in this release. For a complete list of changes see:

The HiveMind-1.4.1.war file is a pre-built all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). You can also run it with 'java -jar HiveMind-1.4.1.war' but be aware that this will use a temporary directory for database files, etc that will be deleted on exit.

There is a Docker image similar to the WAR file available here:


5 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.4.0 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

This release is based on Moqui Framework version 2.1.1, mantle-udm 2.1.0, mantle-usl 2.1.0, and SimpleScreens 2.1.0. It also uses the moqui-elasticsearch 1.1.1 and moqui-fop 1.1.1 tool components.

Most of the new functionality in this release is in the areas of the app from SimpleScreens and shared with POPC ERP (Party, Accounting, etc). See the ReleaseNotes.txt file in SimpleScreens for more details.

Some basic stats to show app growth (for PM and Admin apps):

  • Screens: 154 (last release 106)
  • Forms: 387 (last release 275)

The HiveMind-1.4.0.war file is a pre-built all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). You can also run it with 'java -jar HiveMind-1.4.0.war' but be aware that this will use a temporary directory for database files, etc that will be deleted on exit.

There is a Docker image similar to the WAR file available here:


6 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.3.0 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

There are significant improvements in accounting, wiki, requests, and more with updated screens from SimpleScreens. New features in HiveMind itself (on top of what comes from SimpleScreens) are small in this release, but the updates from mantle-usl and SimpleScreens still make this a significant release.

Some basic stats to show just how much new there is:

  • Admin Screens: 106 (last release 58)
  • Admin Forms: 275 (last release 126)

The HiveMind-1.3.0.war file is a pre-built all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). You can also run it with 'java -jar HiveMind-1.3.0.war' but be aware that this will use a temporary directory for database files, etc that will be deleted on exit.

There is a Docker image similar to the WAR file available here:


7 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.2.0 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

This release is based on Moqui Framework version 2.0.0, mantle-udm 1.1.0, mantle-usl 1.1.0, and SimpleScreens 1.1.0. It also uses the moqui-elasticsearch 1.0.0 and moqui-fop 1.0.0 tool components.

This release includes various improvements from SimpleScreens and updates for the new features and improvements in Moqui Framework 2.0.0.

There are various layout improvements and use of new form-list features for saved finds, column selection, and CSV export.

Based on Mantle changes there is now support for work types separate from position classes for rate calculations, etc. There are a few fixes for milestone date filters, searching, remaining hours display, and admin task editing.


7 years ago

This is a release candidate for public review. See the release notes at:


8 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.1.5 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

This release is based on Moqui Framework version 1.6.2, mantle-udm 1.0.1, mantle-usl 1.0.1, and SimpleScreens 1.0.2.

This release includes a number of improvements based on real-world use.

New Features

  • Various cleanups, additional convenient links/buttons
  • Project Progress Report (in Admin app)
  • More consistent roles, especially using Assignee instead of Worker
  • Added Placeholder task purpose for tasks higher in an hierarchy
  • Various task UI improvements: autocomplete for parent task selection; find by multiple purposes, statuses, assignees
  • HTML Wiki pages now supported, can choose page type on create
  • Now uses SimpleMDE markdown editor, much better UI than Pagedown

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a number of issues with wiki page hierarchies and cleaner URLs

For complete release notes see:

The HiveMind-all-1.1.5.war file is a prebuilt all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc).


8 years ago

HiveMind Project Management and Service ERP 1.1.4 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

This release is based on Moqui Framework version 1.6.1, mantle-udm 1.0.0, mantle-usl 1.0.0, and SimpleScreens 1.0.1.

This release has only minor changes from the last, but has updates for the new Moqui Framework component management features and use of Bintray JCenter for jar files instead of local ones (used in automated tests).

The project management application currently has 31 screens and 54 forms. The admin application currently has 57 screens and 124 forms. HiveMind has around 7.7k lines of text, mostly in XML files (with a small number of lines in Groovy, FTL, MarkDown, and CWiki files).

For complete release notes see:

The HiveMind-all-1.1.4.war file is a prebuilt all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc).


8 years ago

HiveMind 1.1.3 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

This release is based on Moqui Framework version 1.6.0 and Mantle Business Artifacts version 1.2.0 and SimpleScreens version 1.0.0.

While there are a few new screens and improvements to the admin and PM apps the main changes in this release are quality related. There are now screen render tests, run on every git push though Travis CI, and there were various fixes and improvements done while writing these tests.

Many screens (around 4500 lines) were moved to the SimpleScreens project for more generic reuse. The wiki data model and most of the services were moved to Moqui Framework (and those dependent on Mantle to Mantle). These changes help HiveMind focus on being an industry specific suite of applications while making it easier for other applications to reuse more generic functionality that was in HiveMind.

The project management application currently has 31 screens and 54 forms. The admin application currently has 57 screens and 124 forms. HiveMind has around 7.7k lines of text, mostly in XML files (with a small number of lines in Groovy, FTL, MarkDown, and CWiki files).

For complete release notes see:

The HiveMind-all-1.1.3.war file is a prebuilt all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc).