Monokai Plusplus Versions Save

A modern Monokai theme for Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio Code


1 year ago

Make parameter variables "colorless" (white) in VS Code.

Motivation: Enabling VS Code semantic highlighting colored function parameters and their references in orange, which makes sense, but creates confusion between other "orange-colored" text and is way less readable.


1 year ago
  • Revert VS Code workbench colors by default.
  • Introduce a new "sub-theme" called Monokai++ Unified which includes the workbench colors.


1 year ago

Add VS Code workbench colors.

This is the color setup I've been using for the past years. It's tailored to my personal preference, so if it doesn't suit your tastes you can just override each color value under the workbench.colorCustomizations setting.

For example to get a pitch black Editor background:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "editor.background": "#000000"


1 year ago

Enable VS Code semantic highlighting.


2 years ago

Add strikethrough support.


4 years ago

Improve VS Code Python support:

  • Function calls are now back being colored;
  • Magic variables (__stuff__) is now purple-ish.


4 years ago

Improve Shell support. Basically it's a full rework.


4 years ago

Improve Javascript support. Recolor HTML attributes.


4 years ago

Improve Javascript support.
Refactor meta.function-call.* scopes to entity.function; this has been tested in some languages, but it still might cause trouble on others.