Mongo Php Driver Versions Save

The Official MongoDB PHP driver


3 days ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.19.1 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

The release restores the ability to build the extension statically.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.19.1

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.19.1

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


2 weeks ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.19.0 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

A getDatabaseName() method has been added to the CommandSucceededEvent and CommandFailedEvent classes.

This release updates the bundled versions of libmongoc and libmongocrypt to 1.27.1 and 1.10.0, respectively.

A future minor release plans to raise the minimum supported MongoDB Server version from 3.6 to 4.0. This is in accordance with MongoDB Software Lifecycle Schedules.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.19.0

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.19.0

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


1 month ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.18.1 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This release updates the bundled libmongoc version to 1.26.2.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.18.1

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.18.1

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


2 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.18.0 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL. This complements the 1.18.0 library release.

Release Highlights

This release updates bundled versions of libmongoc and libmongocrypt to 1.26.1 and 1.9.1, respectively.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.18.0

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.18.0

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


2 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.17.3 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This release updates bundled versions of libmongoc and libmongocrypt to 1.25.4 and 1.8.4, respectively.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.17.3

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.17.3

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


5 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.17.2 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This release fixes a performance regression that was introduced in 1.17.0.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.17.2

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.17.2

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


5 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.17.1 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This release upgrades our libbson and libmongoc dependencies to 1.25.2.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.17.1

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.17.1

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


6 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.17.0 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL. This complements the 1.17.0 library release.

Release Highlights

With this release, the driver's configure options are now defined in the PECL package. Previously, a manual build from source was required to customize the build process. Running pecl install will now prompt for input for each configure option. This behavior may be undesirable for automated installations (e.g. CI or deployment scripts), but the prompts may be overcome by either piping input into the PECL command (e.g. yes '' | pecl install) or explicitly defining each configure option via arguments to pecl install. Both approaches are discussed in the PECL install docs.

When compiling the driver with bundled libmongoc on macOS, OpenSSL is now preferred by default. Previously, Secure Transport would be used by default. This change resolves possible segfaults when running PHP-FPM on macOS.

A MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\LogSubscriber interface was introduced, which can be used to capture driver log messages. Implementing classes can be registered using the existing MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber() function. Note that log subscribers are global and cannot be registered via MongoDB\Driver\Manager::addSubscriber().

MongoDB\BSON\PackedArray and MongoDB\BSON\Document now implement ArrayAccess. Additionally, MongoDB\BSON\Document allows fields to be accessed as properties. Note that both classes are still read-only and will throw when attempting to set or unset a field.

The tentative return type of MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize() was changed to allow returning either an array, stdClass, MongoDB\BSON\Document, or MongoDB\BSON\PackedArray.

This release upgrades our libbson and libmongoc dependencies to 1.25.1. Support for PHP 7.2 and 7.3 has been removed and the extension now requires PHP 7.4 or newer.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.17.0

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.17.0

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


9 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.16.2 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This release fixes build issue on some platforms (e.g. Alpine Linux) when compiling the driver with PHP 8.2+. Additionally, it includes an upstream fix from libmongoc to address a possible deadlock when communicating with a MongoDB server that is in the process of restarting.

This release upgrades our libbson and libmongoc dependencies to 1.24.3.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.16.2

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.16.2

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.


11 months ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.16.1 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This release fixes a missing zlib dependency when installing the package from PECL.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found in JIRA.


Documentation is available on


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.16.1

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.16.1

Windows binaries are attached to the GitHub release notes.