Moltemplate Versions Save

A general cross-platform tool for preparing simulations of molecules and complex molecular assemblies


3 months ago
  • The option -overlay-all has been redefined to have a consistent behaviour on different OSs.
  • Cosmetic changes to the cleaning of processed files: removing head tab spaces.

(Credit: Otello Roscioni)


1 year ago

Change of philosophy: moltemplate now handles the case where atoms are not created. It requires the option -nocheck to render the input deck successfully. This way, moltemplate can create valid input decks for more heterogeneous tasks such as rerun, create_atoms etc. I verified that the program produces a valid input deck for standard usage, with the "new MOLECULE" command invoked.

This change generalizes the kinds of files that can create.

Thanks to Otello Roscioni (hothello) for contributing this change!


1 year ago

Fixed bug #86 which prevented from working whenever "moltemplate" was installed using pip or pip3.

(This bug did not effect the small number of users like me who install moltemplate by other means.)

All credit belongs to github user PhnRvTjN (Phani Ravi Teja Nunna) for solving the bug, and to github user yurivict for reporting the bug!


1 year ago

I replaced

#!/usr/bin/env python


#!/usr/bin/env python3


This means users are no longer required to use "python" instead of "python3" when trying to run .py executable files directly from the shell (such as,, and This will enable most users to be able to invoke these python programs directly by their names, without having to predicate them with "python3".


I'm sorry I didn't make this change earlier. I've been using anaconda python for a long time, and anaconda automatically adds a link from "python3" to "python", so that users can type "python" instead of "python3". I didn't realize that for most users, "python" isn't even defined.


1 year ago

When the LT file is not named "":

  • generated "" files are renamed to avoid file name collisions (so that users can run on multiple LT files in the same directory)
  • The "" script can also handle files with names that do not begin with "system" (by including the "-base" argument).
  • The "" script no longer assumes that the python interpreter is named "python". (It could be named "python" or "python2".)


1 year ago
  1. I fixed an edge-case bug causing "" to fail without printing out an error message. This would happen whenever the user ran on a file not named "", and then attempted to run "" afterwards. (This is a situation that "" does not handle gracefully.) I did not fix this limitation. But now whenever a user does this, it prints out a detailed error message explaining how to get around this limitation.
  2. I fixed some serious mistakes in the "" and "" files (for the SPC and TIP3P water models). Thanks to github user feifzhou for pointing them out!


1 year ago

The @atom:hw and @atom:ow atom types in "" now have been given epsilon and sigma parameters (of 0.0 and 1.0). These parameters are not correct, but at least users who don't need these atom types and want to use "" will be able to do so (without LAMMPS complaining about missing pair_coeffs).

Similarly the program will now supply default epsilon and sigma parameters (of 0.0 and 1.0) for atoms when this information is lacking in the FRCMOD or DAT file containing the force-field parameters (such as "gaff2.dat").

The program accepts a slightly wider range of FRCMOD file formats.

Thanks to Karteek Bejegam and Jonathan Campeggio for their debugging help and suggestions!


1 year ago

The newly added program converts force-field files used by and created by AmberTools (such as FRCMOD and DAT files) into moltemplate (LT) format. The "" and "" files were created with this program. Now users can use this tool as well with their own custom FRCMOD files.

The script replaces files and scripts that were used before. (Those scripts were buggy and undocumented.)


1 year ago

Fixed a bug in which occurs when the subID numbers in the MOL2 file do not begin at 1. (In the past, I had only tested it on files where the subunit ID begins at 1.)


1 year ago now creates less confusing LT files when the MOL2 file contains only a single subunit. Additional improvements to the documentation were also made.