Modern Js By Example Versions Save

An example driven guide on modern javascript with real world and easy to understand examples


5 years ago

A brand new chapter has been released on Javascript architecture!

Also, a (very) brief teaser (and joke) regarding developer experience. Coming soon for chapter 10!

Enjoy the book!


5 years ago

Huge thanks to all the wonderful Open Source contributors and issue creators!

  • Reduced the main .container max-width to 680px for Typography (Thanks @revelt! #64 )
  • Removed the gendering in the architecture chapter (Thanks @pauldariye! #51 )
  • Fixed misinformation about Set (Thanks @marwahaha ! #73 )

I'm not perfect with JS, but it's amazing community members that take the time to write issues and pull requests that make this book great. Thank you all!


5 years ago

Added gatsby-netlify-plugin to make sure Netlify deploys the site with proper headers and redirects.


5 years ago

Updated alex to v7.1.0 and added savage to the ignored words to allow "primitive" in chapter 3


5 years ago

Removed @flow suppression for type-checking, as @emotion/core updated the issue.


5 years ago

Some pretty big fixes happened here:

  1. I wasn't using the appropriate Gatsby plugin for emotion, resulting in a FOUC when the page loaded. That's been fixed! 😄

  2. emotion has been upgraded to v10 to use the previously mentioned Gatsby plugin. We all fancy in here with @emotion/core now 🥂 .

  3. All dependencies were updated to the latest version, like React and webpack.

  4. Some great contributors like @pauldariye stepped in, contributed valuable feedback, and edited some typos in the examples.

Thank you so much for reading my book! I hope you learn something fun and new from it :).


5 years ago

First release is finished! Enjoy the book and the site :)