Mobsites Cosmos.Identity Versions Save

A Cosmos storage provider for ASP.NET Core Identity.


4 years ago

Changed package name (originally called Mobsites.AspNetCore.Identity.Cosmos). Updated dependencies.


4 years ago

Implemented the IOptions pattern, allowing for more control over configuring the default storage provider, including the client it uses, and the database and container it creates or connects to.


4 years ago

Redesigned to support a custom Cosmos storage provider implementation, rolled back Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores version to support .Net Core 2.2, and updated Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos version.


4 years ago

Exposed identity container to support extended approach. Also exposed three Cosmos meta-properties.


4 years ago

Fixed service extension method to correctly return an identity builder.


4 years ago

Official release with latest Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos sdk v3.4.0.