Moay Afterglow Versions Save

HTML5 video player made easy.


5 years ago

Here comes a pretty feature complete release for v2. Testing and improvements (especially regarding responsive scaling and behaviour) are still todo. Heading towards beta releases after first cross browser tests and last improvements.


5 years ago

Here's a pre-release of the upcoming v2. Not fully tested yet, not totally feature complete yet (Facebook video support is missing). Feedback welcome.


6 years ago

This release brings a new event and brings official return values for triggered events.

New event: The newly created before-lightbox-close event will trigger just before a lightbox is closed and also before the player is destroyed.

Event return values: Please read the event docs for more info on this.


6 years ago

This release fixes a minor icon bug.


6 years ago

This release should fix the bower setup. Thanks to @simonhdickson for the fix.


6 years ago

With this release, the error screens received some love. They do now look way better.


6 years ago

This release fixes some minor bugs and defers the initialization of the Youtube api preventing unnecessary calls to the widget api.


6 years ago

This release brings some new features and gets rid of the 'beta' label. 🎉

New stuff

  • afterglow does now have support for Vimeo. Due to limitations that Vimeo imposes, it's not possible for non-premium accounts to hide the Vimeo UI, so we use it as a default. Other than that, Vimeo works completely the way that Youtube works with the player.
  • We implemented a working event system, which finally allows to react to player events. There are some basic HTML5 video event (like play, paused, ended and so on), as well as some events related to lightboxes (lightbox-launched, lightbox-closed) and some other events. Read the updated documentation to learn more on that.


  • afterglow is now responsive by default. This might break some older setups, but looking forwards, this is the only way to go. In order to redisable responsive scaling (in case you didn't use it), just add data-autoresize="none" to your video elements.
  • The project's website was completely rewritten and will update shortly, also bringing a basic integration wizard with it.

CDN changes

There has been a change to how the CDN works. Due to this change, old links to the cdn probably won't get updated to v1.0.0 and upcoming. Update your links according to the documentation to get back online with v1.0 and upcoming releases.

If you use and enjoy working with afterglow, consider supporting the project by tweeting about it, starring it on Github or providing a small donation.


6 years ago

We improved the control bar layout when playing a Youtube video. They changed their logo, so we edited the skin to better fit next to the youtube logo.


7 years ago

This release fixes a minor bug where clicking the pause button would cause scrolling users to jump back to the paused video some time after having paused the video.