Minicon Versions Save

Minimization of the filesystem for containers


4 years ago

Minicon created using the bashc framework

  • correct bugs in packaging


4 years ago

Minicon created using the bashc framework

  • corrects one bug in packaging


4 years ago

This version is a simple port to the bashc framework.


6 years ago

This version now has man pages for each command.

In minicon, new options have been included for plugins:

  • showoutput for strace plugin (shows the output of the executions during the simulation). The default value is false.
  • includefolders for scripts plugin (copies or not the whole folders where the interpreter may search for packages: useful if not all the packages that can be used are used during the simulations). The default value is "false".

In minidock, a new option has been included, to ease the usage of minicon: --show-cmd-output (that activates output for strace plugin).

bug corrected: the commandlines were not properly managed in case that we had pipes.


6 years ago

This release includes minicon, mergecon and importcon

  • minidock aims at reducing the footprint of the Docker containers, by just including in the container those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed. It is a oneliner for minicon, importcon and mergecon. It tries make that minimizing a container is as esay as translating a command like docker run myimage mycommand into a minidock -i mymage -t myslimimage -- mycommand .
  • minicon aims at reducing the footprint of the filesystem for the container, just adding those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed.
  • mergecon is a tool that merges the filesystems of two different container images. It creates a new container image that is built from the combination of the layers of the filesystems of the input containers. It is useful e.g. to add a OS layer to a minimized container (using minicon).
  • importcon is a tool that imports the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image using the "docker import" command. But it takes as reference an existing docker image to get parameters such as ENV, USER, WORKDIR, etc. to set them for the new imported image.


6 years ago

This release includes minicon, mergecon and importcon

  1. minicon aims at reducing the footprint of the filesystem for the container, just adding those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed.

  2. mergecon is a tool that merges the filesystems of two different container images. It creates a new container image that is built from the combination of the layers of the filesystems of the input containers. It is useful e.g. to add a OS layer to a minimized container (using minicon).

  3. importcon importcon is a tool that imports the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image using the "docker import" command. But it takes as reference an existing docker image to get parameters such as ENV, USER, WORKDIR, etc. to set them for the new imported image.


6 years ago

minicon aims at reducing the footprint of the filesystem for the container, just adding those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed.

This release includes the first version that ships with folder, ldd, strace and scripts plugins, and it is able to produce images that are importable in Docker.

In this revision

  • rsync has been used to copy files. It eases keeping permissions. If not available, cp will be used
  • better support for strace applications
  • include commandline option (-E) for stracing applications with parameters


6 years ago

minicon aims at reducing the footprint of the filesystem for the container, just adding those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed.

This release includes the first version that ships with folder, ldd, strace and scripts plugins, and it is able to produce images that are importable in Docker.

In this revision

  • merge of containers is included
  • code has been re-factored


6 years ago

minicon aims at reducing the footprint of the filesystem for the container, just adding those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed.

This release includes the first version that ships with folder, ldd, strace and scripts plugins, and it is able to produce images that are importable in Docker.

In this revision

  • Now the links are handled instead of just copying every file (that increased a lot the size of the filesystem).
  • The scripts are better handled


6 years ago

minicon aims at reducing the footprint of the filesystem for the container, just adding those files that are needed. That means that the other files in the original container are removed.

This release includes the first version that ships with folder, ldd, strace and scripts plugins, and it is able to produce images that are importable in Docker.