Metamask Arbitrage Trading Bot 2024 Save Abandoned

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A Metamask arbitrage trading bot for defi platforms and multiple blockchains. Use of front running mev bot trades for uniswap and other DEX's.

Metamask Arbitrage Trading Bot
Metamask Arbitrage Trading Bot for Defi Platforms

A simplistic trading bot to make arbitrage trades off of defi platforms/

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Key Features

  • ➖ PancakeSwap – PantherSwap – BakerySwap – BiSwap (BNB)
  • ➖ QuickSwap (MATIC)
  • ➖ KoffeeSwap – KuSwap (KCS)
  • ➖ UniSwap – SushiSwap (ETH)
  • ➖ CherrySwap (Okex chain)
  • ➖ Pangolin – Traderjoe (AVAX)
  • ➖ SpookySwap – SpiritSwap (Fantom)
  • ➖ The bot has a Stop loss.
  • ➖ Automatic sale at the desired price per token.
  • ➖ Automatic purchase of a token at the desired price.
  • What is the goal of arbitrage trading?

    The goal of arbitrage trading is to find the difference in the price of a token on different exchanges. Sometimes the difference in the price of the same token can be more than 20%. With sufficient starting capital, the arbitrage trader tries to quickly buy a token at a low price on one exchange and immediately sell it at a higher price on another. This is the simplest arbitrage scheme. The difficulties of arbitrage on Centralized Exchanges (CEX) are high trade commissions, high withdrawal fee and long waiting time, which greatly increases the risk of losses.

    These difficulties are not observed on Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) and DEFI

    We've changed the rules of the game!

    With the development of decentralized exchanges and automated arbitrage trading system everyone can start arbitrage trading. Automated Arbitrage trading is a stable high profit and saved nerves and time. Arbitrage Bot doesn't make mistakes, it's not afraid or greedy, it doesn't need to be fed, it doesn't need to sleep. It makes money for you 24 hours a day, without breaks or weekends. All you have to do is configure the bot once and start it up.

    How To Use

    Run setup to install dependencies and main bot. Setup a trading profile and choose what defi platform and coins to trade//arbitrage. Select limits and bulk or single arbitrage trades and times ect. Run and profit while you sleep :)

    Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Metamask Arbitrage Trading Bot 2024" Project. README Source: rameshiy/Metamask-Arbitrage-Trading-bot-2024

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