Merge Gatekeeper Versions Save

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1 year ago

Patch Release

v1.2.1 includes the bug fix for handling more than 100 checks in play.

Details of This Release

🎁 Features


🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fix pagination for PRs having >100 checks #59 - by @markrmullan

🔬 Misc



1 year ago

Minor Release

v1.2.0 has a few enhancements 🎉

Details of This Release

🎁 Features

  • Improve execution logging #54 (fixes #51) - by @Jrc356

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Support more than 30 status #48 (fixes #42) - by @Jrc356

🔬 Misc

  • Add leading and trailing space handling for ignored jobs, and add some more tests #39
  • Refine ignored handling #45
  • Makefile and developer docs #53 - by @Jrc356


1 year ago

Patch Release

v1.1.0 includes the bug fix for handling GitHub Actions with "failure" state.

Details of This Release

🎁 Features


🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Add failure state handling #38 (fixes #36)

🔬 Misc


Other Note

(Copied from the previous release)

We have faced a significant disruption due to a small typo in Merge Gatekeeper code base, which caused all of our internal CI setup to fail and block us from merging PRs. This was related to the release, but also how we used main as the version reference. If this has caused any disruption to your workflow, we are extremely sorry for not catching this earlier, and will aim to provide better control for future changes.

As preventative measures, we will be updating some of the documentation to note how you should be using v1 tag (or more specific version such as v1.1, v1.0.2, etc.). Those will be updated after we do extra testing internally and ensure the stability of the latest code base. Also, we will work to add more strict test cases and close reviews to catch any unwanted behaviours.


1 year ago

Minor Release

v1.1.0 includes a new feature of adding "ignored" list of jobs 🎉

The configuration will look something like below:

name: Merge Gatekeeper

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run Merge Gatekeeper
        uses: upsidr/merge-gatekeeper@main
          ignored: failing-test1,failing-test2,another-experimental-job
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

You can specify the list of items by comma-separated string.

Details of This Release

🎁 Features

  • Add an argument to ignore jobs #30 (fixes #17) - by @tekiflo

🐞 Bug Fixes


(There was one ticket (#31) related to #30.)

🔬 Misc


Other Note

We have faced a significant disruption due to a small typo in Merge Gatekeeper code base, which caused all of our internal CI setup to fail and block us from merging PRs. This was related to the release, but also how we used main as the version reference. If this has caused any disruption to your workflow, we are extremely sorry for not catching this earlier, and will aim to provide better control for future changes.

As preventative measures, we will be updating some of the documentation to note how you should be using v1 tag (or more specific version such as v1.1, v1.0.2, etc.). Those will be updated after we do extra testing internally and ensure the stability of the latest code base. Also, we will work to add more strict test cases and close reviews to catch any unwanted behaviours.


2 years ago

Patch Release

v1.0.2 includes the bug fix for handling non-commit driven status handling, and performance improvement with Dockerfile.

Details of This Release

🎁 Features


🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Improve job status check handling #28 (fixes #25)

🔬 Misc

  • Improve the Dockerfile #26 by @allanlewis


2 years ago

Patch Release

v1.0.1 updates the logging messages to be a bit more human friendly. Also, this release sets the default interval for status query to be 5 seconds.


2 years ago

First Release of Merge Gatekeeper

This introduces the main feature of Merge Gatekeeper - "check other job status".

You can find more details here.


2 years ago

First Release of Merge Gatekeeper

This introduces the main feature of Merge Gatekeeper - "check other job status".

You can find more details here.