MDNS Generic Versions Save

mDNS Library for nRF52, SAMD21, SAMD51, SAM DUE, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, AVR Mega, RP2040-based boards, etc. using Ethernet W5x00. Supports mDNS (Registering Services) and DNS-SD (Service Discovery). Ethernet_Generic library is used as default for W5x00


1 year ago

Releases v1.4.2

  1. Fix bug in UDP length check. Check UDP Length check discards correct responses when resolving names - On Nano RP2040 Connect #13
  2. Fix bug in example WiFiDiscoveringServices
  3. Update Packages' Patches


2 years ago

Releases v1.4.1

  1. Use new Ethernet_Generic library as default for W5x00.
  2. Add support to SPI1 for RP2040 using arduino-pico core
  3. Rewrite all the examples to support new features
  4. Update Packages' Patches


2 years ago

Releases v1.4.0

  1. Fix multiple-definitions linker error.
  2. Add example multiFileProjectand WiFiMultiFileProjectto demo for multiple-file project.
  3. Fix bug
  4. Update Packages' Patches


2 years ago

Releases v1.3.1

  1. Update platform.ini and library.json to use original khoih-prog instead of khoih.prog after PIO fix
  2. Update Packages' Patches


2 years ago

Releases v1.3.0

  1. Add support to Portenta_H7, using Murata WiFi or Vision-shield Ethernet.

Please use the Packages' Patches for mbed_portenta


2 years ago

Releases v1.3.0-beta1

  1. Add support to Portenta_H7, using WiFi or Ethernet. Still not working, just for preliminary tests. Check

for latest situation.


2 years ago

Releases v1.2.1

  1. Remove support to ESP8266 to use native ESP8266mDNS library


2 years ago

Releases v1.2.0

  1. Add support to RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Arduino-mbed RP2040 core using WiFi / WiFiNINA_Generic Library
  2. Add support to RP2040-based boards, such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Earle Philhower's arduino-pico core using WiFi / WiFiNINA_Generic Library
  3. Add support to ESP32 and ESP8266 boards using native ESP WiFi
  4. Add support to Generic boards, such as MKR WiFi1010, using WiFi101 Library
  5. Add WiFi-related examples.
  6. Modify hostname from easily-duplicated arduino to board-related hostname to fix issue caused by duplicated hostname, such as mDNS stops working after two minutes #5
  7. Verify issue mDNS stops working after two minutes #5 is fixed, using Nano_RP2040_Connect, WiFiNINA FW 1.4.8 and WiFiNINA_Generic Library
  8. Change License from MIT to GPLv3


2 years ago

Releases v1.1.0

  1. Add support to RP2040-based boards, such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Earle Philhower's arduino-pico core.
  2. Add support to RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Arduino-mbed RP2040 core.
  3. Update examples
  4. Update `Packages' Patches
  5. Add Version String and Table of Contents


3 years ago

New in v1.0.1

  1. Add support to W5x00 using Ethernet2 or Ethernet3 library
  2. Update Platform.ini to support PlatformIO 5.x owner-based dependency declaration.
  3. Update Packages' Patches.
  4. Update Libraries' Patches for Ethernet2 library to add Multicast feature necessary for this MDNS_Generic library
  5. Enhance examples.