Maybulb Nimble Versions Save

A Wolfram|Alpha® menu bar app.


7 years ago
  • Bug fixes and improvements.

Nah, we're just pulling your leg. In this update of Nimble, we've fixed a few very dumb and avoidable bugs, added some tiny little customization features, and improved the experience of using Nimble.

  • You can now toggle the default suggestions, and even add your own custom suggestions in your options file.
  • Fixed bug involving Nimble's starting size.
  • Nimble now preloads, making that white box you used to see when starting Nimble a thing of the past.
  • All mentions of our previous name, "Bright", have been changed to our new name, "Maybulb".


7 years ago

This release candidate subtly enhances the way you customise Nimble.

Please remember, this is a release candidate. If you run into any issues running it, please report it to us, we appreciate the feedback.


  • Formats the .nimble-options.json file with 2 spaces (so you can get at it easier)
  • Provides a way of disabling the build-in default suggestions (enableDefaultSuggestions option)
  • Allows you to add your own custom suggestions (customSuggestions option)

Verifying downloads

Filename SHA256
Nimble-1.3.3-rc.1.dmg 52c5461153abf14a6ae1d8c7b8baccbb298aad648b6560c5746f7c2a550fdf12 9f703d35ce5b0bbf10a52bc38ccacac826d4f4ecb2aa9916efea974bb12132e0


7 years ago

This update handles the transition between Bright and Maybulb. It adds no new features other than some cleanup.


7 years ago

Fixed some bugs with 1.3.0.

  • Fixed a bug involving menubar autohide.
  • Bugsnag now works for index.js too.
  • Errors are now forwarded from the backend to the devtools.


7 years ago

In this version of Nimble, we've changed and fixed a few things, plus added some features you have been requesting since the very beginning. We've also added themes, which means you can make Nimble look how you want it to.

  • Theming! There is a theme for each color of the rainbow, plus a high contrast theme for those of you who use F.lux or are visually impaired. Pick the theme you want in the Themes menu, accessible via right clicking the Nimble tray icon or the search bar.
  • Some minor interface changes.
    • You can now plop in a placeholder by pressing the right arrow key.
    • If there is only one result, the redundant "Result" header is no longer there.
  • Bug reporting has been implemented via Bugsnag. Feel free to turn it off in the preferences.
  • Autoupdating!! Nimble will now automatically check to see if there is a new version on each startup. You can toggle this in the preferences.
  • Cleaned up dependencies, making Nimble a good bit smaller, with more stable versions of many packages now being used.
  • Nimble is now code signed, which means you won't get a warning when you try to open it.
  • Fixed a bug where those who installed Nimble via brew cask could not run Nimble on startup.
  • Fixed a bug involving case sensitive filesystems. (#21)
  • Nimble can now be used if your menubar is set to autohide. (#9)
  • @kabiroberai fixed issue #22, thanks!
  • Options file has been moved to ~/.nimble-options.json due to issues with options saving.

Unfortunately, we had a major code signing problem with release 1.2.1, and we had to pull it down. So instead of re-uploading it, we decided we'd add in some new features for the trouble. We hope you enjoy 1.3.0, and remember that if you have any issues or requests, you can file an issue right here on GitHub and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. If it's easier, you can always contact us via Twitter (@madebybright). If you'd like updates, you should follow us there too!

Thanks as always for supporting us and being patient. You're the best.


8 years ago

In this update, we changed a lot and added some features you've been asking us for since the very beginning. You deserve this.

  • Multiple results can now be shown, instead of just the one result Wolfram thinks you want to see.
    • As a result of this, the already experimental feature "text to speech" has been removed for the time being.
  • Nimble's resizing is way better now. It fits itself to graphs and plots, but still maintains a nice look.
  • Our wonderful designer man Adam Gethin has created some better icons for Nimble.
  • Minor bugfixes that make all the difference:
    • Fixed a bug involving Unicode and clipboard copying. This totally hasn't happened before... (#6)
    • Fixed a bug where the user could zoom in on Nimble by two finger double tapping or pinching (whoops!)
    • Fixed a bug where images could be dragged out of Nimble, totally giving it away that we're using Chromium/Electron (shh, it's a secret).


8 years ago

A few bugfixes.

  • No matter how hard we tried, there was still a bug with the options menu.
  • Merging is weird, there were some differences between the repo and the dmg.

22c614fbdb8eda930c9218087c1ec14471fa3ff833a1649917f2e9b740af6e69  Nimble-v1.1.1.dmg


8 years ago

We did it! Nimble is back in business with a new update. Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support. We appreciate you all so much! Seriously, your support has made this all so much better for us.


  • Because we are being supported by Wolfram, we added Wolfram|Alpha branding (thanks guys!)
    • This isn't entirely cosmetic, though. Click on the Wolfram|Alpha logo to go to the corresponding Wolfram|Alpha page for your query. This'll hopefully hold you over until we support multiple results. (coming soon...)
  • There were some issues with how Nimble's interface worked, and we fixed them right up!
  • Right clicking the app no longer closes it. (everyone on Earth shouts a confused "woo")
  • Remember how bad the options menu was before? Issues with copying, sharing, and any overall problems with the menus have been fixed.
  • Cosmetically, instead of just immediately resizing itself, Nimble now beautifully transitions.
  • The app works. (best one)


8 years ago



8 years ago
  • Added an option to start Nimble in the center of your screen.
  • Fixed a bug involving Unicode not displaying correctly.
  • @soops (me) built a brand new loading indicator! We hope you enjoy it!
  • Global hotkey to toggle Nimble is now Cmd-Shift-=
  • Issues #10 and RANDOM have been fixed.
  • Minor tweaks to how Nimble works.

Thanks to your overwhelmingly awesome support, our servers got overloaded. This is normal. We're currently looking into a long-term fix, but this release includes a short-term one.