MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit Versions Save

Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net.


1 month ago

This is a major version update with many breaking changes. Please see the Migration guide for steps on updating from prior versions.

There is also a complete list of the breaking changes in #2255

What's Changed

Key Changes

Breaking Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @9helix @AbderrahmaneAhmam @alexachso @AndrewKeepCoding @anno0 @arubu21 @BenjaminMichaelis @Charlie1104 @dand751801 @djdjz7 @DrCQ @ElieTaillard @Insire @ion-mironov @jbooth88 @JLdgu @JoshStrauss @jrdnwrth @jurot8 @MeshkaM @MichelMichels @MikaelaShipha @mzy666888 @N0m4n904 @nicolaihenriksen @Nils-Berghs @PieceOfFall @quicoli @Ra1d7 @Red6789 @Roberto2707 @Roydoy7 @saivineeth100 @Spuddish @Talwynox @TWhidden @viveleltsi @ZPChan


11 months ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @chris-crowther @Erapchu @jbooth88 @JorisCleVR @nicolaihenriksen @Red6789 @reyntjesr @tanguyhardion @TWhidden


1 year ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

Breaking Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @adamhewitt627 @DrCQ @greuelpirat @JeanPhilippeLux @JorisCleVR @LejlaBrkic123 @mohsen-id @nicolaihenriksen @tblong @Yoooi0 @yosefmah


1 year ago

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @nicolaihenriksen @reiseder @starkna


1 year ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @amescodes @baikimi @Case-Closed-X @Diyari-Kurdi @fdq09eca @gudarzi @hkurando @jbooth88 @JLdgu @LyndonGingerich @MarkusKgit @Maxhy @mhmd98 @MichelMichels @mkrauter @mojtabahakimian @nandhini-sr @nicolaihenriksen @Nils-Berghs @olegsavelos @reiseder @samini3000 @Taschenbuch @yarus @Yoooi0


1 year ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @Drise13 @HavenDV @michaelmairegger @nicolaihenriksen


1 year ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @avanbremen @bilaxos @binarycow @cjmurph @DenZuck @DrCQ @dudley810 @Erapchu @hfann @jamesport079 @JDeuker @jizc @lszczygielek @michaldivis @mikechristiansenvae @NeilMacMullen @nicolaihenriksen @reiseder @TinoMSoft @washburnit @wj8400684 @Xaalek


1 year ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either logging issues or submitting PRs): @ahmed-abdelrazek @BigBadBleuCheese @DrCQ @Erapchu @github-actions[bot] @JanZeman @krmr @mikechristiansenvae @rasoulia @Roberto2707 @shaggygi @SilentSammy @StefanoRivolta-Previero @viktorspacil @Xaalek @xMaxximum @z2hteam


2 years ago

What's Changed

Key Changes

New Contributors

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either with issues or pull requests): @ahmed-abdelrazek @amoamare @Asivaprasadam @Awsmolak @bebenins @database64128 @DrHalfBaked @Erapchu @frostiger @gitjsdr26 @HamidRezaAshkiyan @MichelMichels @PiousVenom @StefanoRivolta-Previero @Xaalek @yhorowitz

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Key Changes

  • DrawerHost now supports CornerRadius #2333 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • ListBox has new NavigationListBox styles #2335 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • Clock styles updated to match Material Design spec #2338 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • NavigationRail updated to better match Material Design spec #2348 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • Calendar updated to better match Material Design spec #2356 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • TreeView now supports hiding selection, and changing the size of the expander #2359 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • Buttons now support secondary color and paper variants. #2376 @rrs
  • Demo app now supports color adjustment on the Color Tool page. #2392 @FantasyTeddy
  • RadioButton has new styles for various orientations. #2400 and #2402 @JorisCleVR
  • Control's disabled opacity has been updated to better match the Material Design spec #2425 @Anopob
  • ComboBox template updated. This addresses long standing issues with the control. #2428 @Keboo
  • RangeSlider updated to match Slider #2449 @Yoooi0
  • ComboBox updated to show the selected item in the drop down by default #2459 @guptaanmol184
  • Selection color updated on TextBoxBase and Password box. #2469 @JeffBarnard
  • Flat and Outline button styles updated to support progress. #2481 @StefanoRivolta-Previero
  • PackIcon changes
  • Full list of changes here

Please note the full list of breaking changes in 4.0.0 #1705

A big thank you to everyone who contributed (either logging issues or submitting PRs): @ahmed-abdelrazek @AmRo045 @Anopob @AuroraDysis @Awsmolak @bebenins @beechj @chrisxvin @Cohote @D-Diyare @database64128 @drepamig @Drise13 @elvince @FantasyTeddy @guptaanmol184 @HeathJared @HigherSY @i2Chzamani @icameron @icarousfff @igowshik @jdbriaris @JeffBarnard @Job-madi @JorisCleVR @kamadakohei @KelbyTansley @M0n7y5 @malu222 @marcosgerene @mgnslndh @MohammadHadi2031 @rrs @sbi2018 @StefanoRivolta-Previero @stigrune @TFTomSun @Volker123 @Yoooi0 @yosefmah