Markupsafe Versions Save

Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup.


3 months ago

This is a fix release for the 2.1.x feature release branch. It fixes bugs but does not otherwise change behavior and should not result in breaking changes.

Fixes a regression in striptags behavior from 2.14. Spaces are now collapsed correctly.


3 months ago

This is a fix release for the 2.1.x feature release branch. It fixes bugs but does not otherwise change behavior and should not result in breaking changes.


11 months ago


1 year ago

This is the first release to provide wheels for Python 3.11. An SLSA provenance file is also generated, and is available to download from the GitHub release page.


2 years ago

New major versions of all the core Pallets libraries, including MarkupSafe 2.0, have been released! :tada:

This represents a significant amount of work, and there are quite a few changes. Be sure to carefully read the changelog, and use tools such as pip-compile and Dependabot to pin your dependencies and control your updates.