Maestral Versions Save

Open-source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux


1 month ago


  • Disable the Sync Issues menu item in the status bar menu if there are no sync issues.


  • Fixed maestral excluded add | remove commands failing with an incorrect argument name.
  • Fixed a segfault in the macOS GUI triggerd by various actions in the selective sync dialog.


2 months ago

Hopefully the last in a series of rapid bug fix releases for v1.9.


  • Preserve extended attributes of local files when syncing remote changes.
  • The macOS app bundle is now built with Python 3.12. This supports detecting and using SOCKS proxies configured in macOS Settings.


  • Fixes a regression introduced in v1.9.0 with opening windows from the menu bar on macOS 13 and earlier.


2 months ago


  • Fixes a regression in v1.9.0 in the macOS GUI which prevented several buttons and menu items from reacting to clicks. This was a side effect from a new GUI framework API.


2 months ago


  • Allow passing multiple paths to maestral excluded add | remove CLI commands.


  • Fixes an issue where syncing remote changes would lead to the modified time of a file being set to the download time instead of the time of original modification.


10 months ago


  • Dropped support for Python 3.7 which was reached end-of-life on 27 Jun 2023.


  • Fixes the default systemd service name when enabling autostart on Linux. This was a regression in v1.7.3. Autostart entries created with maestral autostart -Y prior to v1.7.3 will continue to work.
  • Fixes an issue where data transport errors that are retried could result in zero byte files being created in the cloud if the local file size is smaller than 4 MB.
  • Fixes an issue where renaming a local file by making unicode normalisation changes only could lead to a cycle of deletion and re-creation on Dropbox servers when syncing with Maestral from multiple machines.


1 year ago

This is the last release that supports Python 3.7 which will reach end-of-life on 27 Jun 2023. The macOS app always ships with its own Python runtime, but custom installations will require at least Python 3.8 starting with the next release.


  • Preparation for upcoming API changes in watchdog dependency.
  • No more automatic reindexing: Maestral would automatically rebuild its index every 14 days. This could occasionally lead to conflicting copies if a file was modified remotely during this process. This reindexing is not necessary, especially as syncing has become very reliable. Starting with this release, reindexing needs to be triggered manually through the GUI or CLI if required.


  • Fixes autostart entries for the GUI being malformed when Maestral is installed in a Python virtual environment.
  • Fixes autostart entries for the daemon being malformed for the macOS app bundle. This applies to autostart entries created with maestral autostart -Y and not using the "Start on login" checkbox in the GUI.
  • The filestatus command now is case-sensitive when checking on a case-sensitive file system.
  • Fixes an issue where renaming a file by changing the casing only would not be picked up if Maestral was not running during the rename.


1 year ago


  • Improved support for systems where some file system calls don't accept a follow_symlinks = False option, notably chmod and utime.
  • Abort uploads if the file is modified between the upload of individual chunks. This saves some bandwidth and prevents us from ever committing an inconsistent file to Dropbox's version history.
  • Show desktop notifications when a conflicting copy is created both during upload and download sync. Unlike regular notifications, those notifications are shown for each conflicting copy instead of giving a summary count.
  • Append the username and date to the file name of a conflicting copy, for example myfile (Sam's conflicting copy 2022-08-30).pdf.


  • Fixes an issue for systems that do not provide /sys/class/power_supply such as Synology devices. Power supply state is periodically queried to prevent automatic reindexing when on battery power.
  • Fixes potentially inconsistent error messages if Maestral does not have permissions to perform file moves within the local Dropbox folder.
  • Fixes a regression with some icon buttons in the macOS GUI not being displayed.


1 year ago


  • Fixes running the app bundle version on Intel Macs.


1 year ago


  • Allow limiting the upload and download bandwidth used for syncing, either by setting the config file values, by using the CLI maestral bandwidth-limit up|down, or through the Settings pane in the GUI.
  • Add config file items for the maximum number of parallel file transfers.
  • Speed up querying the sync status of folders.
  • Added support for Python 3.12.


  • Fixes the download sync of remote symlinks. The local item now is an actual symlink instead of a 0 KB file.
  • Fixes an issue where the Login Items entry for Maestral would incorrectly be listed with the developer name instead of the app name in macOS Ventura's System Settings.
  • Fixes an issue which would prevent periodic reindexing.
  • Fixes an issue with interrupted downloads of folders which are newly included by selective sync not automatically resuming when Maestral restarts.
  • Fixes an issue with detect the init system on some Linux distributions, a prerequisite for the autostart functionality.


  • Removed support for access token authentication. Users who linked Maestral to their Dropbox account before September 2020 will be asked to reauthenticate so that Maestral can retrieve a refresh token instead.


1 year ago


  • Drops support for macOS 10.13 and 10.14. macOS 10.15 or later is now required, reflecting the support status from Apple. In the future, we will drop support for macOS versions once they no longer receive security updates.
  • Improved status messages: the sync count is now updated as items are uploaded or downloaded instead of with a delay.
  • maestral activity now shows animating progress bars to view upload and download progress.
  • maestral sharelink list now outputs plain urls, separated by new lines. Use the --long | -l option if you would like a pretty-printed table with additional information about each link.
  • maestral history now shows where the listed changes occurred (local vs remote).
  • When multiple GUIs are installed (for example Qt and Cocoa), ask the user to choose when running maestral gui instead of selecting a default.


  • Fixes an error which would prevent running Maestral on Python 3.7.
  • Fixes a regression where the CLI command maestral activity would fail when run from a macOS app bundle.
  • Fixes an issue where reauthorizing Maestral's Dropbox access could hang indefinitely.
  • Fixes an issue on macOS where changing the casing of two local file names in the same folder in quick succession could result in the second file being deleted during sync.


  • Introduced rich dependency.
  • Removed sdnotify dependency.