Lume Kiwi Versions Save

Fast TypeScript implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm (soon for AssemblyScript / WebAssembly).


3 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


6 months ago

BREAKING: remove the UMD global build lib/ folder, move module output from es/ to dist/, convert all our code to Java Script modules

To migrate: use JavaScript modules, f.e. import * as kiwi from '@lume/kiwi'. If you have a web app and are not using a build system (f.e. Webpack, Vite, Rollup, or similar) that knows how to resolve the names of libraries (f.e. the '@lume/kiwi' in the import statement), then you need to use an importmap. See example/index.html for a <script type="importmap"> example, and MDN web docs on import maps:

Full Changelog:


7 months ago

Commit built output to avoid having to build when consuming from git, making it more accessible in environments we may not have tried the build on.

Fix testing stuff.

Add release scripts that run the build and tests befor release.