Lua Stdlib Strict Versions Save

Check for use of undeclared variables


1 year ago

Enforce strict declaration of all variables (including functions) in any environment prior to any use or reassignment within that environment.

I am happy to announce release 1.4 of std.strict.

This module started life as etc/strict.lua in the Lua 5.0 distribution, and has shipped for several years in lua-stdlib. I’m still slimming down lua-stdlib in preparation for the next release, but this release of std.strict cleans up the implementation a bit.

Noteworthy changes in release 1.4 (2023-01-07) [stable]

New Features

  • Support importing into another project directly with:

    $ cp ../strict/lib/std/strict/init.lua lib/std/strict.lua

Install it with LuaRocks using:

    luarocks install std.strict 1.4


8 years ago

Enforce strict declaration of all variables (including functions) in any environment prior to any use or reassignment within that environment.

I am happy to announce release 1.1 of std.strict.

This module started life as etc/strict.lua in the Lua 5.0 distribution, and has shipped for several years in lua-stdlib. I’m still slimming down lua-stdlib in preparation for the next release, but this release of std.strict fixes some corner cases when using it with specl.

Noteworthy changes in release 1.1 (2016-04-10) [stable]

New features

  • Strict environments created by this module now correctly proxy len and pairs calls to the environment table.

    Note that ipairs works by looking for the first numeric key with a nil value, and a nil valued key in the environment table is the exact criterion for an undeclared variable access. This means that passing a strict environment table to ipairs always triggers an "assignment to undeclared variable <#env + 1>" error.

Incompatible changes

  • To avoid clashing with PUC-Rio strict.lua, rename this package to std.strict. You should change client packages to load from its new location:

    local strict = require "std.strict"
  • To minimise the number of places the release number needs to be updated, the std.strict._VERSION constant has been replaced by a generated std.strict.version submodule.

Install it with LuaRocks using:

    luarocks install std.strict 1.1


8 years ago

Enforce strict declaration of all variables (including functions) in any environment prior to any use or reassignment within that environment.

I am happy to announce release 1.0 of strict.

This module started life as etc/strict.lua in the Lua 5.0 distribution, and has shipped for several years in lua-stdlib. I’m in the process of slimming down lua-stdlib in preparation for the next release though, part of which means that you can now use strict without requiring the installation of all of stdlib.

Noteworthy changes in release 1.0 (2016-01-19) [stable]

New features

  • Initial release, now separated out from lua-stdlib.

Incompatible changes (compared to stdlib-41.2.0)

  • The standalone implementation no longer requires or is affected by the value of std.debug_init._DEBUG.strict. If you still want to do that you can write:

    local strict = require "strict"
    local _DEBUG = require "std.debug_init"._DEBUG
    local _ENV = _ENV
    if nil ~= (_DEBUG or {}).strict then
      _ENV = strict.strict (_ENV)
    if rawget (_G, "setfenv") ~= nil then
      setfenv (1, _ENV)

Install it with LuaRocks using:

    luarocks install strict 1.0