Loveholidays Phrasebook Save

A significantly smaller drop in replacement for react-i18next

Project README


A lightweight translation library for React/Preact projects with a similar interface to react-i18next.

Made with ❤️ by

Why phrasebook?

  • Tree-shakeable
  • Similar interface to react-i18next
  • Native ESM module with TypeScript type definitions
  • Small bundle size (<1kb)

This package exports native ESM and does not provide a CommonJS export.

Bundle size comparisons

Package Bundle size (gzip) Difference
@loveholidays/phrasebook 956b baseline
@lingui/react 1.6kb + 68%
react-i18next 7.1kb + 650%


Currently available on NPM:

$ npm i -S @loveholidays/phrasebook
- or -
$ yarn add @loveholidays/phrasebook


Use the TranslationProvider to create the localisation context:

import { TranslationProvider } from '@loveholidays/phrasebook';

const App = () => (
    onError={(errorType, data) => {
      const { key, argumentName } = data;
    // ...

The locale string is used for locale specific number formatting. The translations object follows a format similar to the i18next JSON format with some exceptions.

Use the useTranslation hook to access the translation function:

import { useTranslation } from '@loveholidays/phrasebook';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  return (
      <h2>{t('welcomeBack', { name: 'David' })}</h2>
      <p>{t('youHaveXNewMessages', { count: 14 })}</p>

Use the Translation component to embed React components into the translations (similar to the Trans component of react-i18next):

import { Translation } from '@loveholidays/phrasebook';

const MyComponent = () => (
      translationKey="myKey" // "Read all the {count} reviews <1>here</1>, served by: <2>"
        count: 1234,
        (text) => <a href="/#">{text}</a>, // text between <1> and </1> is passed in as a param
        <img src="logo.svg" />,

// result: <p>Read all the 1234 reviews <a href="/#">here</a>, served by: <img src="logo.svg" /></p>

Differences to i18next

The goal is to provide a lightweight alternative for the most common used features of react-i18next, although phrasebook won't ever be 100% compatible with that.

  • There is no support for translation backends, the translation object must be loaded and passed in to the TranslationProvider.
  • The translation object format is not fully compatible with the i18next JSON format, the currently supported features are: nested translations, _plural suffix, contexts.


Namespaced translations can be used with <TranslationProvider /> by passing an object into the namespaces prop - where the keys are the names of the namespaces and the values are the translations for the given namespace:

    homepage: {
      title: 'Homepage',
    checkout: {
      title: 'Checkout',

The ns option controls the namespace when using the t function:

const { t } = useTranslation();

const homepageTitle = t('title', { ns: 'homepage' });
const checkoutTitle = t('title', { ns: 'checkout' });

To avoid repeating the ns option when using t, the default namespace can be changed when using the useTranslation hook:

const { t } = useTranslation('homepage');

const homepageTitle = t('title');
const checkoutTitle = t('title', { namespace: 'checkout' });

The Translation component takes an optional namespace prop to achieve the same:

    params={ ... }
    components={ ... }

i18n ally extension support for VS Code

We highly recommend to use the i18n ally extension for VS Code users. To make it work with phrasebook you need to add this file to your project:

# .vscode/i18n-ally-custom-framework.yml

  - javascript
  - typescript
  - javascriptreact
  - typescriptreact
  - "[^\\w\\d]t\\(['\"`]({key})['\"`]"
monopoly: false


Please see our contributing guidelines

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Loveholidays Phrasebook" Project. README Source: loveholidays/phrasebook
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Last Commit
3 weeks ago

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