Loop Versions Save

An automated insulin delivery app for iOS, built on LoopKit


8 months ago

Minor update to build with Xcode 15.


1 year ago

Minor update to fix archiving with Xcode 14.3


1 year ago

This is a minor release primarily dealing with localization updates.

  • G7 Plugin localization fixed: was defaulting to Spanish in some cases.
  • Updated translations from translators on Lokalise.
  • Many behind-the-scenes fixes for how strings are tracked in the various frameworks that Loop uses, fixing a large number of broken/missing translations.


1 year ago

Bug Fixes (Please update ASAP):

Updates and new Features:

  • Missed Meal Notifications. If you want, Loop will detect situations where it looks like you may have consumed carbs but did not enter them into Loop, and will notify you with an easy option to enter the amount, and the time of eating already estimated for you. Find this option in the Alert Management section of Loop settings. Thanks @novalegra!
  • Tidepool Service added. This lets you upload your diabetes data from Loop to Tidepool! It is in early stages, so there may be issues. Please report any issues you have with this integration on DIY Loop forums, like Zulip, GitHub, or the Looped group.
  • Translations! Loop now has very good coverage for several languages, including German, Spanish, Italian, French, Danish, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Turkish, and Romanian!
  • A new safeguard restricts automatic dosing to keep your IOB below a limit of 2 times your max bolus. Manual dosing can still be delivered to put your IOB above this amount. https://github.com/LoopKit/Loop/pull/1871
  • Add missing X-Large watch complications. https://github.com/LoopKit/Loop/pull/1901
  • “Deactivate Pod” button on some screens changed to not be so alarming, as it doesn’t actually deactivate the pod, but takes you to a screen where you can, and has an option to cancel: https://github.com/LoopKit/OmniBLE/pull/76


1 year ago

This is one of the bigger updates to Loop. Since the last master version, there have been updates for safety, new features, support for new devices, and the UI has been significantly updated. With more contributors than ever! This is just a high level summary; There are more details in the LoopDocs page for Loop 3.0. (Thanks Marion Barker!)

New Hardware Support 🔥

  • Omnipod Dash Support! Thanks to all who worked on this. It was a big team effort.
  • Dexcom G7! We are definitely not waiting here. :)

Safety 🥽

  • Guardrails added for many therapy settings, preventing unrealistic values, and warning about high or low values.
  • Changing the time on your phone triggers warnings to let users (and clever children) know that doing so can have dangerous consequences for insulin delivery.
  • Timezone changes, while not being urgent, should be performed when convenient, as before. But the UI now signals that this should be done, helping remind you
  • Warnings when bluetooth is disabled.
  • Loop 3.0 will not read carbs from other apps, unless the code is edited to allow this, preventing inadvertent dosing when entering carbs into other apps.
  • Warnings when alert permissions are disabled.
  • Carb absorption default times changed from 2 hours, 3 hours, and 4 hours to 30 minutes, 3 hours, and 5 hours. The 30 minute entry is now for fast acting carbs only, and will help prevent double lows after treating a low. Most foods should be entered with the default 3 hour duration. The 5 hour entry will do better for meals where you do not want all of the insulin delivered up front.
  • The recommendations posted to Nightscout are now more timely, and bolus amounts are adjusted to account for the automatic dosing that has just been enacted. New forecast & bolus recommendations are uploaded to Nightscout when carbs entered/edited, when therapy settings change, doses edited, etc, keeping the recommendation shown in Nightscout safer to rely on.
  • If an invalid future glucose reading is detected (such as from a manual phone time change), Loop will not automatically dose, and will show a warning on the bolus screen.
  • Reminder shown if you have an active override that adjusts sensitivity while entering carbs.

New Features 🎉

  • A more friendly onboarding experience that guides users through initial configuration choices. You can now import settings that were uploaded to Nightscout to speed up your initial configuration.
  • Loop Home Screen Widget (Thanks Noah Brauner!)
  • Non-Pump Insulin (Thanks Anna Quinlan!) This is a bigger change than might be obvious. Each dose in Loop is now tracked with an insulin type, so there can be doses of Afrezza alongside insulin doses of fast acting types from a pump, and each dose is using the appropriate insulin curve. Related to this, there is no longer support for Walsh insulin model, and no separate adult/child models for the fast acting insulin types.
  • Manual temp basal for Omnipod (both DASH and Eros)
  • When glucose is stale (like during a sensor warmup), you can enter glucose meter readings directly in Loop, without needing to go to Apple Health.
  • Remote Carbs / Remote Bolus is possible, but still in an experimental/testing phase. Please read the documentation for more information.
  • Schedule editors (Basal, Insulin Sensitivity, Carb Ratios) have been redesigned to be more helpful for new users, and more user friendly for everyone.
  • There is a new option to share usage data (not health data) with Loop developers to help us keep track of how many people are using DIY Loop, and how they are using it, that will hopefully provide insight that is useful for updating Loop and designing new features. It's completely optional, and you'll be asked about it during onboarding when you first run Loop 3.0.
  • The Loop pill in Nightscout now shows automatic bolus dosing enactments.

Build Updates

Remember 🤔

Just because this is "released", doesn't mean it's bug free. Released means that updates to this version will be restricted to smaller changes like bug fixes and safety updates, and that bigger, riskier changes will be tried out on the new dev branch. As always, DIY Loop is a piece of software that is created by people wanting to share what works for them with the world, it's not backed by any company or organization that promises support, and has not been reviewed by the FDA.


2 years ago

This release updates Loop to handle Dexcom Share server changes for how glucose trend is parsed. Fixing that error will also prevent it from being displayed at many times where it has been misleading, hopefully reducing support burden.


2 years ago

This is a hotfix release to build with Xcode 13.3. Please use LoopWorkspace to build, as Carthage based builds are not working on some machines.


2 years ago

Just a small update for those who distribute Loop via TestFlight. This fixes https://github.com/LoopKit/Loop/issues/1578

No other changes.


2 years ago

Several users reported issues with IOB accounting in Loop 2.2.5 recently, where IOB was being underreported. This is a serious issue, so updating to this release (v2.2.6) is strongly recommended for anyone currently running 2.2.5.

The issue appears to be the result of a failure to write to HealthKit, which may occur if the Health app on your phone is having problems, or if you have turned off Loop's ability to write Insulin data to HealthKit. The fix involves reverting a change made in v2.2.5 to reduce overlaps of Reservoir and Pump Event reconciliation, which would over estimate insulin delivery. Instead, that issue will be fixed in the next major release of Loop.


2 years ago

This is an interim release as we prepare for the major changes currently in development. If you are running the current release, 2.2.4, or the automatic bolus branch, or an older version of Loop it is recommended that you update.

Automatic Bolus (Experimental) - Support for the Automatic Bolus dosing strategy has been included in this release as an experimental option. The default will continue to be the standard Temp Basal strategy. It is marked experimental, as support for tracking automatic vs manual boluses is not yet implemented in the code and databases, and users must approach this feature with caution, as their settings may require changes to work well.

This version includes a fix to reduce occurrences of overlaps in accounting for insulin via reservoir and dose history, which causes temporary overestimation of IOB.

OrangeLink Support - Connection monitoring, battery level alerting, find device, and light/vibration controls for OrangeLink and OrangeLink Pro. A new option to disable MySentry use can trade pump battery for longer RL battery.

Miscellaneous Omnipod fixes and improvements: https://github.com/ps2/rileylink_ios/pull/676

Provisioning Profile Expiration Alerting - When fewer than 20 days remain until profile expiration, you'll get an alert when you open the app, once every 2 days at most. When fewer than 24 hours remain, you'll get an alert when you open the app, once every hour at most. There is an option to navigate to the updating section of LoopDocs in the alert. Expiration date is also included in the issue report for reference.

Dexcom Share URL for non-US users has been fixed.

For community support, please use the Looped facebook group, and the Loop Zulip discussion board