Locast2tuner Versions Save

Locast to Emby/Plex/Channels server


2 years ago


This release adds some better logging for login errors. In general error handling and reporting needs to be much better, but this is at least something.

Thanks to all the wonderful sponsors that donated since the last release! Since I added sponsoring to my account last week, I've received $260! Once Github pays out, I'll donate the money and give everybody an update on which organizations received donations. Thanks to all the people who have donated so far, because all of the money donated will go towards organizations that support women and underprivileged children in STEM education.


2 years ago

This release adds an aarch64 Debian/Ubuntu build that can be used on arm64 deployments.

Also, thanks to the follwoing amazing $50 sponsors: @tharris9d and @hdmllr!

All of the money donated will go towards organizations that support women and underprivileged children in STEM education.


2 years ago

This release fixes two bugs:

  • Only succeed login on HTTP 200 code to make sure there is data to parse. Before, login was considered succesfull on a HTTP 200-299 return code, but that doesn't always mean there's data to parse in order to grab the login token. This is now much stricter and login only succeeds at HTTP 200.
  • Make multiplex required for remap and remap_file. remap and remap_file now require multiplex to be set, since otherwise neither will work. This means that locast2tuner will error if this multiplex isn't on.


2 years ago

Upload binaries to github release


2 years ago
  • Fix login issue after captcha change on locast.org


2 years ago


2 years ago
  • Move to action-rs/toolchain for linux builds

    Rather than relying on static Docker images for building Linux binaries, we now use action-rs/toolchain. This makes for much better upgrade of Rust, without having to rebuild and redeploy images.

    Before, deb packages were built with musl as static binaries, but since musl on arm7 is involved, both debian packages are now dynamicly linked. The amd64 static binary is built with musl and is statically linked.


2 years ago

This release fixes bug with zipcode display when using IP. Since the addition of override_cities we keep track of the zip code that is used to connect. However, in the case where no override is made, there is no zip code to keep track of.


2 years ago

Update default tuner count to 16

This release actually updates the default tuner count from 3 to 16. Previously only the documentation was updated, but not the implementation.


2 years ago
  • Adds override_cities config option

    This release adds the option to specify override_cities as a pipe separated list. Next to override_zipcodes it's now possible to specify a list of cities in the form City, State (e.g. Los Angeles, CA). The command line option and the environment variable take a pipe separated list: --override_cities="Los Angeles, CA|Portland, OR" $l2t_override_cities="Los Angeles, CA|Portland, OR"

    The config file uses the TOML format: override_cities = ["Los Angeles, CA", "Portland, OR"]