LOC Extension Versions Save

LibreOffice Cryptocurrency extension


6 years ago

This version includes caching for some exchanges, which improves the performance significantly, especially for users with slow internet connections. It also has some special processing for coinmarketcap to access the total crypto-currency market cap (USD), bitcoin market dominance, and individual coin market cap (USD) and rank.

Windows users are advised to stick with v0.2.2 for the time being.


6 years ago

LOC-Extension was developed on Linux and v0.2.0 writes a logfile in /tmp to aid in debugging. While this worked for me when I tested on Windows 7 it seems this isn't true for everyone and possibly prevents the extension from installing. I currently don't have a Windows environment to test on so this build simply strips out all of the logging and I expect it to install and work correctly on Windows but this is untested.

If you're a Linux user then v0.2.1 is the latest code for you, unless you don't want the logging in which case you can use v0.2.2 too.

At some point I'll have access to a Windows environment again and will make the logging configurable and work on Linux and Windows. I'm never going to have access to a Mac to test on so if you're a Mac user play safe and use v0.2.2


6 years ago

Version 0.2.1 fixes an error in exception logging.


6 years ago

Version 0.2.0 embeds a snapshot of Igor Kroitor's ccxt library (version 1.9.262). The original GETPOLONIEX() function is retained for backwards compatibility. A new CCXT() function provides access to the ccxt library and over 90 exchanges.


6 years ago

First standalone release. This is alpha code. It shouldn't break anything but it might not always work correctly. Feedback is appreciated either way.